Xu Shuhua pointed out that cold weather can easily affect emotions, and attention should be paid to keeping the body warm and maintaining body functions; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Reporting for the first cold wave of winter this Saturday.

Do you start to feel inexplicably sad or lose energy when the temperature drops suddenly?

In this regard, doctors said that winter can easily cause changes in serotonin secretion, and lack of serotonin can lead to depression.

Therefore, she taught 5 ways to stimulate serotonin, such as adequate sun exposure, keeping the body warm and eating foods rich in tryptophan, etc., to help drive away bad emotions.

Physician Xu Shuhua of Family Medicine posted an article on the Facebook fan page "Doctor Xu Shuhua Accompanying You to Write a Diary", pointing out that the shorter sunlight in winter will cause changes in the secretion of serotonin and melatonin, which may affect mood.

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter hormone that makes us feel happy, relaxed, focused, and cheerful.

Deficiency may lead to depression and anxiety.

Please read on...

5 ways to drive away bad mood

1. Sufficient sun exposure:

The sun itself is a natural antidepressant. Moderate exposure to the sun can increase serotonin in the brain and help resist stress.

2. Eat the right food:

tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids, and its main function is to transport it to the brain to become the raw material for serotonin.

Lack of tryptophan in the body is prone to sleep problems, as well as anxiety, depression, and boredom.

Therefore, it is recommended to take foods rich in tryptophan, such as natto, milk, yogurt, walnuts, cashews, bananas, oats, etc., which are good sources of tryptophan.

3. Arrange life in moderation:

Go outside more often during holidays. Whether it’s walking or exercising, it’s a good activity. You can also get together with friends, eat delicious food, and take beautiful photos online. Don’t trap yourself in a low mood.

4. Write a happy diary before going to bed:

writing a diary is one of the ways to keep your body and mind healthy.

You can record "happy" things. When you analyze happiness, the brain secretes more serotonin, and serotonin can not only help sleep, but also improve negative emotions and turn them into happy and positive.

5. Warm-keeping mechanism:

It is cold in winter, and once it is cold, you want to lie in bed and don’t want to move, you are prone to get sick and affect your mood.

Pay attention to keep the body warm and maintain body functions.

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  • keep warm

  • bask in the sun

  • serotonin

  • antidepressant

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