The doctor pointed out that people who did not improve their constipation after eating fiber may be due to dehydration, eating too many antibiotics and pesticides, too few intestinal bacteria, the intestinal tract has not yet adapted to the changed diet, and stress; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The most commonly heard advice in the face of constipation is "eat more fiber". However, Li Sixian, a physician at Neighborhood Western Medicine Clinic, pointed out that some people do not improve their constipation after eating fiber. The possible reasons are dehydration and taking too much antibiotics. And pesticides, the number of intestinal bacteria is too small, the intestinal tract has not yet adapted to the changed diet, and stress.

Li Sixian said that the definition of constipation refers to the condition of less frequent defecation or difficulty in defecation. The frequency of defecation is less than 3 times a week or other defecation problems such as pain and anal fissure can be called constipation.

Constipation is the most common clinically seen disease, but it is also the most difficult to treat. Stool "rots" in the body and produces toxic substances, which not only affect mood and appetite, but also indirectly affect our other health.

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Li Sixian explained that eating more fiber is effective for some people. After all, 70% of stool is the corpse of intestinal bacteria, and intestinal bacteria eat fiber.

The type of fiber he would suggest is water-soluble fiber, such as psyllium.

For the group of people who "eating fiber is not effective", the following are possible reasons:


Constipation is most likely due to "dehydration". If you don't drink enough water for a day, you may be constipated.

So at this time, as long as you drink more water, you can improve it, including coffee and tea.

●Eating too many antibiotics and pesticides:

Antibiotics not only refer to antibiotics prescribed by doctors, but also antibiotics in food, because antibiotics may accumulate along the food chain and enter the food you eat.

Enterobacteria are also bacteria, so they are also affected by antibiotics and pesticides.

Too few intestinal bacteria:

similar to eating too many antibiotics and pesticides, because the number of intestinal bacteria is too small, there is no way to reproduce beautiful poop. At this time, you may need to supplement probiotics and eat more fermented foods can be improved.

The gut hasn’t gotten used to the changed diet:

No matter what diet you switch to, your gut bacteria aren’t getting what they’re used to, so you won’t get a nice poop, but it’s a “ "Transition period", when the intestines adapt to the new diet, the bowel movement will return to normal, but the process may take more than a month.

Li Sixian believes that some stool softeners can be used at this time.


Because too much pressure will inhibit intestinal peristalsis, you can practice yoga, meditation, mindfulness, sauna, and breathing exercises to moderately relieve tense emotions.

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  • fiber

  • constipate

  • pressure

  • dehydration

  • Difficulty defecating

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