Xu Jinjia, Chief Physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Chi Mei Medical Center, said that dehumidification tea can help people with phlegm-dampness constitution get rid of moisture, accelerate body metabolism, and reduce the burden on the uterus.

(Photo provided by Chimei Medical Center)

[Reporter Liu Wanjun/Tainan Report] The first cold snap of winter will be reported tomorrow, during the peak season of supplementation in winter, Xu Jinjia, Chief Physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Chi Mei Medical Center, reminds that over-supplementation in winter can be harmful to the body, especially for women during their menstrual period. Make up, lest the gain outweigh the loss.

Ms. Wang, 48, is usually prone to cold hands and feet. During menstruation, she often suffers from backache, abdominal pain and dizziness, which is so severe that she needs to take time off work.

As I get closer to menopause, the timing of menstrual cramps gradually becomes irregular. Sometimes I feel menstrual discomfort halfway through work, especially in winter. Therefore, I frequently use sesame oil chicken and ginger duck to improve my body, hoping to improve my cold hands and feet, menstrual pain, etc. However, the abdominal pain and dizziness not only did not relieve but became more obvious.

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Xu Jinjia said that although Ms. Wang's hands and feet are cold, she has long-term greasy food, does not like to exercise, and has constipation problems. She has a phlegm and blood stasis constitution. , and health education to walk more, quit sweets and drinks and a lot of fried spicy food, menstrual pain and backache symptoms eased, menstrual cramps gradually stabilized, and hands and feet were no longer so cold.

During the menstrual period, there will be dull pain in the abdomen, which can be relieved locally with hot compress and infrared rays.

(Photo provided by Chimei Medical Center)

Xu Jinjia reminded that most common food supplements in winter tend to be hot, and people should pay attention to changes in their bodies at all times when taking them. Sesame oil chicken, sesame oil kidney, ginger duck, angelica mutton soup, and ginseng chicken are all food supplements that are hot. People with physical constitutions are prone to "get angry" after eating, including severe dry mouth, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, elevated blood pressure, etc., so special care should be taken.

Although Siwu Decoction can be eaten by men, women and children, it is also known as the holy prescription of gynecology because of its effects of regulating menstruation, nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation. However, the angelica and rehmannia glutinosa in the prescription are greasy and difficult to digest. Therefore, patients with poor stomach and long-term soft stools are prone to diarrhea or abdominal distension after taking it.

Sishen Decoction is a relatively mild medicinal diet, which has the effect of invigorating the spleen and promoting dampness. However, the prescription contains cool barley. If the coldness is enhanced in large quantities, it may cause poor menstrual periods and less dosage for patients with cold constitution. Or severe abdominal pain, so it is relatively unsuitable for women during menstruation.

Xu Jinjia suggested that the diet during menstruation should be mainly light, and women with cold physique should try to avoid raw and cold food and cold food, such as ice products, lettuce, mung beans, watermelon, etc. Eat white fungus, mung beans, raisins, longan red date tea, mulberry juice, milk, eggs, pork liver clear soup, etc.

At ordinary times, you should also pay attention to keeping the abdomen warm. If the abdomen feels dull and painful during the menstrual period, you can use hot compresses or infrared rays to relieve the pain locally.

Xu Jinjia reminded that you should not judge yourself as having a pure deficiency and cold constitution simply because you are "fear of cold" or "cold hands and feet". It should be interpreted by Chinese medicine practitioners through overall observation, hearing, questioning and palpation.

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  • menstrual period

  • menopause

  • Winter tonic

  • menstrual pain

  • cold hands and feet

  • Deficiency and cold

  • Phlegm stasis constitution

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