[Reporter Zhong Zhikai/Taipei Report] Ouyang Nana, the second daughter of Fu Juan and Ouyang Long, has been developing in China for a long time. Every time something happens, she will vigorously lick the motherland. Today is the anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, and she immediately speaks up.

Ouyang Nana suffered from selling clothes.

(Reposted from Weibo)

CCTV’s Weibo wrote today: “Today, together #向南京大亲疑病护恐感# On December 13, 1937, the tragic Nanjing Massacre took place. Humiliation, burning, and burial alive, 300,000 compatriots were killed in more than 40 days. Japanese massacre. 85 years, never forgotten. #今天国际公祭日#, pay homage to compatriots, pass on the truth, carry on the past and usher in the future, and never forget it!" Ouyang Nana quickly reposted and said: "Remember history, cherish peace" .

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However, a while ago Ouyang Nana just because the clothes of her own brand were too expensive, and a bathrobe sold for 4000, so she pissed off the little Chinese pinks. Zhizhi showed her favor to Little Pink, but it still didn't seem to work. Little Pink saw her Nanjing Massacre po post, and continued to slander "Greedy Green Tea".

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