According to nutritionists, clam soup contains taurine, which can strengthen liver function and reduce bad cholesterol.

(picture taken from pexels)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Modern people work hard for their lives, and stay up late for a long time, which will easily lead to a red light on the health of the liver in the long run.

In this regard, nutritionist Gao Minmin posted on the Facebook fan page "Gao Minmin Nutritionist" that the liver is the most silent organ in the human body, so he shared 15 good foods for liver protection and detoxification, and nourishing the liver in winter to help the liver clean up.

●Clam soup:

Contains taurine, which can strengthen liver function and lower bad cholesterol.

Please read on...

●Red dates:

You can soak red dates in water or tea to promote metabolism and nourish the liver.


Rich in high-quality protein and Omega-3, it can repair liver inflammation.


Contains strong antioxidant capacity, regulates the overall function of the liver.


Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it can assist liver detoxification.

According to nutritionists, citrus is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help the liver detoxify.

(picture taken from freepik)


It can help to sterilize bacteria and remove toxins from the body.

●Dark green vegetables:

have a good detoxification ability and can help the liver repair. It is recommended to eat more vegetables such as kale, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, and cabbage.

●White radish:

It belongs to the cruciferous family, and its sulfur compounds help protect the liver.


rich in dietary fiber and vitamin B group, can promote liver cell metabolism.

●Olive oil:

good vegetable oil, can help regulate fatty liver.


It is a plant-based high-quality protein that can help the liver repair and regenerate. It is recommended to use tofu and soy products as protein sources.

The nutritionist said that tofu is a plant-based high-quality protein that can help the liver repair and regenerate. It is suggested that tofu and soy products can be used as protein sources.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)


Anthocyanins help reduce the burden on the liver.


rich in vitamin E, can improve fatty liver inflammation.


The chlorogenic acid in coffee can regulate liver function. It is recommended that friends who are not burdened by caffeine can have a cup of black coffee every day.

●Green tea:

Contains catechins, which can help protect the liver and resist oxidation. In addition, it can also fight inflammation, fight cancer, improve concentration and help burn fat.

Excessive sugar can easily cause fat accumulation in the liver

Gao Minmin said that in addition to eating more liver-nourishing ingredients, you can also eat more original ingredients and less processed products, fried and other high-calorie foods. It is also recommended to avoid sweets, because too much sugar will also cause fat accumulation in the liver.

The liver is really important to the human body. In addition to detoxification, it also has metabolism, synthesis, etc., and the nutrients that the body eats must pass through the liver to be sent to other organs. It is not too late to start protecting the liver.

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  • detoxification

  • hepatitis

  • liver

  • fatty liver

  • healthy diet

  • liver protection

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