A nutritionist said that eating spicy food in moderation can burn fat, improve metabolism, stimulate appetite, anti-aging and detoxification, warm up the body and keep out the cold, and make the mood happy; the picture is a schematic diagram.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The weather is cold and I want to eat spicy food. Nutritionist Gao Minmin posted on the Facebook page "Gao Minmin Nutritionist" that eating spicy food in moderation can burn fat, improve metabolism, stimulate appetite, and also anti-aging and detoxification , Warm up and drive away the cold, and make you feel happy.

Although there are many benefits to eating spicy food, remember not to eat spicy food on an empty stomach.

Three myths about eating spicy food:

●Eating spicy food will not cause gastric ulcer:

capsaicin will not cause gastric ulcer, but can increase the blood flow of gastric mucosa and inhibit gastric acid secretion.

Please read on...

●Eating spicy food will not aggravate gastroesophageal reflux:

although eating too spicy may cause burning sensation, it will not aggravate gastroesophageal reflux symptoms.

●Eating spicy diarrhea:

Eating chili is easy to cause diarrhea, because capsaicin stimulates the intestinal tract and stomach wall, accelerates the peristalsis of the stomach and expels capsaicin.

Eat spicy food in moderation to warm up the body and drive away the cold to maintain health

Gao Minmin said that it is enough to eat spicy food in moderation. Everyone has different tolerance to spicy food. If you find that your stomach is a bit stuffy and your esophagus feels burning when you eat spicy food, you should stop.

As long as you eat spicy food in moderation, there are actually 6 major benefits:

●Burning fat:

Capsaicin will accelerate the decomposition of fat, and dietary fiber will help lower blood fat.

●Improve metabolism:

long-term consumption of capsaicin in moderation can enhance metabolism in the body and stimulate blood circulation.


Pepper will promote saliva secretion and stimulate appetite.

●Beautifying and beautifying:

Pepper contains anti-oxidant nutrients, which help anti-aging and detoxification.

●Warming up the body and warding off the cold:

Chili is a spicy and warm food. Capsaicin can help metabolism and circulation, especially in winter.

But Gao Minmin reminds people with sensitive gastrointestinal tract not to eat spicy food on an empty stomach.

●Pleasant mood:

Appropriate spicy stimulation can improve mood and make people happy.

Gao Minmin pointed out that in addition to capsaicin, peppers also contain vitamin A and vitamin C. Among them, vitamin A can protect mucous membranes and eye health; vitamin C has antioxidant power, which can shorten the course of colds, accelerate wound healing, or help synthesize collagen .

Nutritionist Gao Minmin.

(Provided by Gao Minmin)

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  • gastric ulcer

  • keep out the cold

  • eat spicy

  • Capsaicin

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