The Agriculture and Food Administration pointed out that the slightly sweet and crisp water chestnuts are usually cut into small pieces and used as fillings to increase the taste, or ground into powder to make desserts.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Water chestnut is the supporting role of the soul of Chinese cuisine, do you know which dishes it will hide in?

In this regard, the Agriculture and Food Administration stated that water chestnuts are usually cut into small pieces, used as food stuffing to increase the taste, or ground into powder to make desserts, such as traditional ancient eight-treasure balls and chicken rolls, and Hunan cuisine shrimp Loose, delicious port horseshoe strips.

The Agriculture and Food Administration issued an article on the Facebook page "Xianxiangnong YA - Agriculture and Food Administration", pointing out that water chestnuts are abundant from November to March and were once the main export crop in Taiwan. Since they can only be planted in paddy fields, they are usually rotated with rice in the southern region , Planting began after the first stage of rice harvesting.

Domestic water chestnuts have the fragrance of sugarcane, and the bulbs are eaten.

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The Agriculture and Food Administration mentioned that the slightly sweet and crisp water chestnuts are usually cut into small pieces and used as fillings to enhance the taste, or ground into powder to make desserts, which can be said to be the soul supporting role in classic Chinese cuisine, such as eight Water chestnuts can be seen in treasure balls, chicken rolls, shrimp floss, and water chestnut strips.

Chen Jiaqi, a nutritionist at Nantou Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, once pointed out that water chestnuts belong to whole grains. According to the food nutrition information of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, water chestnuts have 67 calories per 100 grams, are rich in water and carbohydrates, and have low protein content. Desserts such as horseshoe cake can supplement the calories of kidney patients.

Compared with other staple foods, water chestnuts have a high potassium content. Every 100 grams of water chestnuts contains 461 mg of potassium. Theoretically, it has positive effects on blood pressure regulation and diuresis.

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  • Potassium

  • healthy diet

  • whole grains

  • water chestnut

  • diuretic

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