Zhong Xinyi revealed that she had a close encounter with "Warcraft".

(File photo, photo by reporter Wang Wenlin)

[Reporter Yi Huici/Comprehensive Report] Zhong Xinyi registered her marriage with variety show producer Sun Lexin in 2014, gave birth to her daughter Xiaoguai in the same year, and gave birth to her son An An by caesarean section in 2017. She often shares her life on Facebook and IG. She revealed that she had a close contact with "Warcraft" Howard (Dwight Howard), and the monster also reposted her to limit her movements, and she succeeded in chasing stars.

Warcraft celebrated its 37th birthday in Taiwan. On December 8, he went to Daoming Overseas Chinese School to have fun with the teachers and students of the school. It happened to be the school where Zhong Xinyi's child attended. She excitedly expressed on IG, "Yes! Warcraft came to our school today, it's crazy Mom, I really want to hug him as a student."

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World of Warcraft reposted Zhong Xinyi's motion, making her go crazy.

(Flip to IG)

Zhong Xinyi also went on a pilgrimage to school, met idols, and took a close-up photo of Warcraft, and said, "It's so handsome! There are cute enough Warcraft." She posted the star chasing photo PO, but Warcraft also reposted her news, She happily said, "Warcraft saw me!" and succeeded in chasing stars.

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