[Reporter Li Shaoling/Taipei Report] Lin Junyi, Fu Qiongyin, Lin Hongming, Minxiong, Guo Tingyun, Wurigaowa to MinTV, the eight major "Most Strong Variety Shows" sing songs, and they must score high scores in the rare public competitions on the show stunt.

Xiong Ni was lying on the desk and making sexy movements.

(Provided by FTV)

The performance group "Light Chaser" wants to challenge Taiwan's highest record - stacking seven chairs, and the degree to which the chairs shake during the performance can be clearly seen with the naked eye. Standing on his head, the audience cheered at the moment when the challenge was successful, and then Hugua pulled Dafei to experience the challenge of folding chairs. Dafei actually completed it easily. It turned out that it was because of the help of the steel wire that he had no fear. The second place Bobozhen who experienced the experience, even with the help of steel wires, her feet still trembled frequently, and she couldn't even place the chairs correctly. The screams ran through the entire studio. Finally, she mustered up the courage to let go of her hands to complete the challenge. Everyone gave warm thanks applause.

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Bobo Zhen experienced folding chairs by hanging wires in "The Strongest Variety Show".

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This week's song and dance show will bring three different styles of dances. The first group is a brand new performance by Xi Xiaogua, who already has a place in the dance industry. It is handsome and sexy, and it also makes the audience High. The sexy moves were performed by Xiong Ni and Lola. The two of them were lying on the desk, their sexiness index bursting, driving the audience crazy.

Immediately afterwards, the performance brought by Bobo Zhen combined Indian style with reggae elements. At the end of the dance, she danced with Hugua, which made Hugua sexy.

Zhang Wenqi challenged to blow out the candles with "electric buttocks" in "The Strongest Variety Show".

(Provided by FTV)

In the end, Survive, the ever-victorious army of various street dance competitions, performed as the finale. The nine people were super imposing and uniform. The soldiers in the desert moved onto the stage, which made everyone feel unsatisfied. The three groups have electric buttocks in common. The production unit designed "swing" "Extinguish the candle", a special belt is put on the hip, and there will be a fan facing the candle on the hip. As long as the challenger "electric buttocks" can use the wind of the fan to blow out the candle, after the challenge of the performer, Hu Gua assigned Zhang Wenqi to play, originally dodged When she heard that Hu Gua offered a bonus of 10,000 yuan, her eyes lit up, but she didn't expect to try all methods, but the candles were indifferent, making everyone laugh so hard, Zhang Wenqi said with a grim face that this was too difficult.

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