Calcium Sources: Calcium deficiency will go away from these foods. 

special things

  • In this way calcium deficiency will be fulfilled.

  • Some foods show good effect.

  • There will be no need to drink milk.

Calcium Deficiency:

There are many people who do not like to consume milk and milk products.

At the same time, consumption of milk products is also avoided in vegan diet.

If you are also among these people, then here is a list of some such foods which do not come under the count of milk products but are rich in calcium.

They are helpful in removing weakness of bones and also relieves pain caused by calcium in hands and feet.

Along with this, eating them proves to be very beneficial for a balanced diet. 

Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium |

Non-Dairy Calcium Sources 


Foods made from soybeans and soy such as Tofu can be consumed to make up for calcium deficiency.

Calcium is found up to 27 percent of a day's requirement in soybean.

Soybean oil and soy flour can also be included in the diet. 


There is 344 mg of calcium in 100 grams of ragi.

Ragi rich in calcium is also gluten free and is also a good source of Vitamin D.

People troubled by calcium deficiency must consume ragi.

Ragi is also helpful in reducing blood sugar. 


105 mg of calcium is found in one cup or 100 grams of white chickpeas.

It is also a good source of vegan protein.

Additionally, chickpeas are also rich in iron, folate, copper and phosphorus.

They can be boiled in salad, made as a vegetable or eaten as sprouts. 


Spinach is usually eaten as a source of iron only, but calcium is also found in good quantity in Spinach.

100 grams of spinach contains 100 milligrams of calcium.

At the same time, the amount of calcium in cooked spinach can increase up to 250 mg.

Start eating this green vegetable. 


100 grams of broccoli contains up to 50 milligrams of calcium.

If you do not like to drink milk, then you can make and eat broccoli salad.

Apart from this, making a vegetable or soup of broccoli and drinking it is also a good option.  

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It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

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