Qin Lingqian.

(File photo, photo by reporter Pan Shaotang)

[Reporter Zhong Zhikai/Taipei Report] After Liao Keyi's flash marriage to Qin Lingqian, he was shocked to continue cheating on multiple daughters, and even derailed in marriage. He issued a statement earlier saying: "Part of it is true, part of it is not true", emphasizing that there is no infidelity after marriage. Qin Lingqian also spoke.

Liao Keyi's ex-wife is very beautiful, not tall, and belongs to a small horse. She and Liao Keyi have the cutest height difference. Liao Keyi said that he didn't know how to manage marriage in the past. I have talked about the relationship several times in a low-key manner, and the process of ending the relationship is indeed not perfect, but there is absolutely no problem of infidelity after marriage.

In this regard, Qin Lingqian said: "The man has responded, thank you for your concern." It seems that he is also a husband.

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