Cai Shanghua has the title of "Most Beautiful Host".

(Reposted from Cai Shanghua's Facebook page)

[Reporter Lin Nangu/Taipei Report] Cai Shanghua, the former anchor of Dongsen Finance and the title of "the most beautiful host", is preparing to move into a new home recently and has started a large-scale separation. For her, it is like keeping up with the old Phases of the self-farewell process.

Interestingly, when Cai Shanghua was packing, he found that there were always some things that he was reluctant to throw away, including notes from previous classes and classmates, diaries from his student days, and cards and postcards written by a bunch of friends and netizens. "I always feel that these items carry too much emotion. Letting go, but life is so long, and there are always so many emotions dragged on, it is inevitable that I will gradually be unable to bear the load as I walk."

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Living until now, Cai Shanghua also feels that life also needs to break up and leave, and began to throw away some past "memories" while moving. "Before the age of 30, I was always very concerned about the coming and going of friends in my life. I used to be very familiar with each other, but after walking away, I became separated and unfamiliar." Fortunately, Cai Shanghua now has learned not to force her, "I think that blessings from afar are also a kind of beauty."

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