Li Jianxin, a neurologist at Tainan Municipal Annan Hospital, reminded the public not to stay up late and watch the World Cup upside down day and night.

(Provided by Annan Hospital)

[Reporter Wang Junzhong/Tainan Report] The 1st FIFA World Cup every 4 years is in full swing in Qatar. Many fans are willing to sacrifice their sleep time to follow the live broadcast even if they have to go to work or go to school the next day.

According to statistics, the number of viewers of the global TV broadcast of each World Cup is as high as 4 billion. Taiwan's Chunghwa Telecom's dual platforms, which are responsible for the broadcast this time, have recently exceeded 10 million traffic.

Physicians remind the public to stay up late to watch real-time hot-blooded sports, and beware of brain and cardiovascular diseases.

Li Jianxin, a neurologist at Tainan Municipal Annan Hospital, said that during Chinese New Year, consecutive holidays, or international sports events, the number of patients seeking consultation in neurology, cardiovascular surgery, psychiatry, or metabolism often increases. It is inseparable from the disorder of the biological clock caused by irregular sleep.

For example, what is called "sleep deprivation" in medicine, staying up late, turning day and night upside down, etc., can easily lead to problems such as decreased concentration, lack of energy, bad mood, increased blood pressure and blood sugar, and decreased immunity.

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Furthermore, if you need to drive for a long time or operate dangerous machinery, you must maintain a good mental state. If you don’t get enough sleep, accidents are prone to occur. Even if you take refreshing drugs or drinks, the effect is difficult to control due to different physical constitutions.

Li Jianxin emphasized that the reason why good sleep is important is that the brain and body can be properly rested to eliminate fatigue, and to secrete growth hormone through sleep to maintain health and reduce the possibility of accidents the next day.

Li Jianxin added another common case, which is manifested in patients with chronic headaches. If they are prone to feel stressed due to work and stay up all night, in addition to exacerbating headaches, memory loss and insomnia may also occur, and the cycle will become a vicious cycle.

Fortunately, after neurology outpatient treatment, not only the headache problem was relieved, but the quality of sleep was also improved.

Li Jianxin suggested that regardless of whether you are on holiday or not, you should maintain regular sleep to avoid affecting your normal daytime work and rest. People with chronic diseases should pay special attention. When you feel unwell, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. healthy.

Li Jianxin, a neurologist at Tainan Municipal Annan Hospital, pointed to the brain wave image to remind the public not to stay up late and watch the World Cup upside down day and night.

(Provided by Annan Hospital)

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  • lack of sleep

  • stay up

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • day and night upside down

  • decrease in immunity

  • blood pressure rise

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