A nutritionist said that fungus does not have collagen, but it is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber, which can nourish the intestines, and a healthy intestine will lead to a healthy body.

(The picture is taken from photo AC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] What should I drink to maintain skin health?

Nutritionist Chen Zongyu said that you can choose to drink fungus drink. Although fungus does not have collagen, it is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber, so the soup of fungus will be slightly sticky, which is a kind of nutrition for intestinal bacteria , the nutrients produced after fermentation can nourish the intestinal tract and maintain health, and a healthy intestinal tract will lead to a healthy human body.

Chen Zongyu posted on the Facebook page "Nutrition School - Chen Zongyu Nutritionist" to share the practice of fungus drink:

Please read on...

Ingredients: 20 grams of fresh white fungus, 18 grams of sugar (or 7.5 grams of erythritol).

Method: Add 300ml of water to the inner pot, make the fresh white fungus juice into juice, add 200ml of water to cook, add 400ml of water, add sugar or erythritol, let it cool and enjoy it, about 700ml can be boiled ml of slightly sweet white fungus drink.

Chen Zongyu pointed out that if friends who are afraid of sugar can use sugar substitutes instead, he is used to using erythritol, and using 7.5 grams is about as sweet as 18 grams of granulated sugar, and according to the clear label of the FDA, erythritol has almost no Calories, which can be used in moderation no harm.

Chen Zongyu reminded that the fungus drink can be kept for a week after being boiled and covered with ice, but it is better to drink it as soon as possible in pursuit of freshness.

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  • skin

  • white fungus

  • gut health

  • gut bacteria

  • water soluble dietary fiber

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