The Moon is in Taurus until 22:50 on December 6

Being alone is not good, visiting relatives or close friends will bring more joy.

Emotions are superficial, although they cause violent reactions.

It is very useful to take walks or by car, short trips.

A lot of fresh air is needed.

If you cannot be outside, ventilate the premises more often.

Good time for communicative and mobile people.

You may feel too emotional and impulsive, prone to frivolous and superficial actions and unexpected decisions.

It is very important to have self-control.

Routine work is boring.

The shoulders, arms, shoulders, fingers, nervous system and lungs are vulnerable.

It is good to give up manicure.

Good time to carry out medical procedures with the liver, operations in the thigh area.

Lunar calendar: lasts 12 lunar days until 15:13

Symbols of the day - heart, Grail Cup.

Colors of the day - different shades of blue - the color of sea waves, azure blue, sky blue.

Energy of the day – passive and calm externally, active internally.

Meditation - heart.

The day brings success and luck to the one who is able to thank the Higher Powers for the grace bestowed upon him.

A day of spontaneity and unpredictability.

Don't follow the plan, because everything can turn upside down.

Accept that everything that happens is for the better.

Angel horoscope for December

The day predisposes to goodness, harmony and the opportunity to be at peace with ourselves.

The manifestation of love and sympathy today is a necessary condition for the fulfillment of your wishes.

It is favorable for acts of altruism and charity, helping those who need your help.

Make time for older relatives, parents, visit sick friends.

It is favorable to visit a church.

Prayers offered on this day, if they are sincere, will definitely come true.

An ideal time for solitude, spiritual and prayer practices, vows of silence and meditations.

It is extremely counterintuitive to get angry and angry.

Don't get into arguments and avoid self-pity, crying and complaining.

You may be stuck in this state for a long time.

Yoga and other Eastern practices are useful.

Do not overload yourself with heavy training, but you can give yourself a light massage.

Next 13 lunar day from 15:13 on December 5 to 15:40 on December 6

Listen to the advice others give you and you can learn something from it.

Some old issues that you didn't resolve earlier may surface.

Don't put off for later what you can do now.

Solar calendar - 20 solar day -

The affairs that are started today need full dedication.

Everything must be brought to an end.

One can fight for justice, but only in an honest way.

It would be nice to pay off the debts.

It is favorable to travel only short distances.

Avoid idle talk and waste of time.

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