The doctor said that the delayed soreness after training comes from the discomfort of the tendons and ligaments. If you maintain regular training, it is very natural to feel soreness infrequently.

To pursue effective training, the training intensity should be gradually increased; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] If there is no soreness in the muscles after heavy training, do you suspect that the training is ineffective?

Lin Zhiwei, a doctor at Luzhou Ailin Clinic, said that the delayed soreness after training comes from the discomfort of tendons and ligaments. If you maintain regular training, it is very natural to feel soreness infrequently.

To pursue effective training, the training intensity should be gradually increased.

Lin Zhiwei posted on the Facebook fan page "Yi Xinwei You Wei Physician ~ Lin Zhiwei Physician" that the soreness after training usually comes from the soft tissue. The surrounding soft tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, are suddenly pulled and do not adapt, and will produce an inflammatory reaction, resulting in soreness and discomfort for several days.

Please read on...

No soreness does not mean no effect

Lin Zhiwei pointed out that the lack of soreness does not mean that the training is ineffective, and the soreness does not mean that it must be effective. For example, the thighs are very sore after half-squatting for 1 hour, but half-squatting has little effect on leg muscle hypertrophy.

He said that training should not pursue soreness. For experienced trainers, soreness should not be used as a reliable indicator of effective training. Obvious soreness usually comes from a large change in schedule or a large increase in intensity. Therefore, after training on a certain track , No obvious soreness is common.

Effective training should pursue intensity improvement

Lin Zhiwei explained that effective training should pursue intensity. For bodybuilding and muscle hypertrophy goal-oriented trainers, the intensity of each training is the focus of pursuit.

He gave an example of what training intensity is:

A: Bench press 80kg, 8 reps per set, 2 minutes rest between sets, 4 sets in total.

B: Bench press 85kg, 8 reps per set, 2 minutes rest between sets, 4 sets in total.

The weight (mechanical tension) of B is heavier, so the strength is stronger.

But weight is not the only factor of strength. If A and B push the same weight, but A only rests for 1 minute while B rests for 2 minutes, then the intensity of A is higher.

He pointed out that training intensity is an abstract concept, not training weight (Mechanic) or training volume (Volume), for example:

A: Squat 100KG, 10 times in each group, 3 groups in total.

B: Squat 50KG, 20 times in each group, 3 groups in total.

The total amount of training for A and B is the same, but the training intensity may vary greatly.

The training intensity involves the rest time between groups of A and B, the quality of movement, and even the individual condition of the day.

Lin Zhiwei said that if you want to explain the concept of training intensity more clearly, it can be described as "the integral of oxygen consumption and exercise time of the day's training", or it can be slightly simplified as "the integral of the heart rate and exercise time of the day's training".

The higher the training intensity, the higher the oxygen consumption and heart rate, so people who have completed effective training are usually out of breath, indicating the body's response to high-intensity training.

Lin Zhiwei explained that effective training is to increase the intensity as much as possible to fully congest the muscles to be trained within a certain period of time, taking into account the quality of movement and mechanical tension.

Heavy training is as breathless as aerobic

Lin Zhiwei pointed out that some people retrain extremely easily, rest for 5 minutes between sets, do not use gravity to fail, and watch the news while pushing their legs. After training for 1 hour, they do not sweat or pant during exercise.

If you focus on muscle endurance and health, you can do this, but if you pursue the goal of muscle hypertrophy and bodybuilding, this kind of intensity is definitely not enough.

In the process of effective resistance training, the anaerobic system in the body is used. In theory, it will be very breathless, and the heart rate range will be pulled to a very high level in a short period of time, even more breathless than moderate-intensity aerobic training.

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