[Reporter Zhong Zhikai/Taipei Report] Xia Keli returned to Taiwan to file a lawsuit against his marriage. Earlier he sent a birthday card through the Chinese social software Weibo. Chinese netizens asked him why he didn't go find the birthday person himself?

Xia Keli complained in English, "I'm legally allowed but I'm being blocked by someone", the main point is to be blocked by someone, unexpectedly Chinese netizens went crazy.

Xia Keli.

(File photo, photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

Chinese netizens criticized Xia Keli for speaking Chinese, Xia Keli said helplessly: "I am very willing to speak Chinese. But I can't understand and I can't write. Sometimes when I write something, it becomes a different meaning. I will be scolded miserably. I will work hard I wrote it. But I can’t understand whether what I wrote is right or not. I tried my best.”

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Huang Jiaqian filed a divorce lawsuit, and Xia Keli (left) appeared in court a few days ago.

(File photo, photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

Some Chinese netizens felt distressed and asked why Taiwanese people treat Xia Keli like this, making him invisible?

Xia Keli explained: "No. Most of them are very nice. To be honest, Asians are much better than whites. But there are also many whites, very nice. We all need to love each other."

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