Wang Xiaofei (left) and Big S completely tore apart their faces.

(file photo)

[Reporter Yi Huici/Taipei Report] Wang Xiaofei's divorce with the "big S" Xu Xiyuan broke out and money disputes broke out. Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan joined the battle and broadcast live that the house that the big S lived was bought by Wang Xiaofei. The big S couldn't bear it. Luo Wang", showing Wang Xiaofei's handwritten IOU and Big S's own expenses for buying a house to slap Zhang Lan in the face.

Wang Xiaofei just posted a counterattack on Weibo, saying that he bought the house.

The full text of Wang Xiaofei’s microblog, “Xu Xiyuan, I still retain the identity of the child’s mother to you, but you opened your eyes and told nonsense today, you are not worthy of being my child’s mother. When we bought the house, I didn’t even have an account in Taiwan! I sold the paintings and remitted them all to your Yongfeng Bank! The down payment was more than 200 million yuan, and later the hotel had an account, so I paid the mortgage from the hotel.”

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"At that time, the hotel almost had no funds to open, and I couldn't remit money from the mainland! Do you think remittances are so easy? I asked you to help me through it. At that time, I was buying a house and the hotel was being renovated at the same time. You asked me to write an IOU, what did I do? At that time, I gave you so many things for your family, and I asked you to write anything? When you divorced, you said that you don’t have to pay back the money, because the 400 million house was given to you.”

"But after the divorce you backtracked, and I agreed to give it to you. I can't exchange that much foreign exchange, so I sold a painting worth five million Taiwan dollars. I will pay you five million first, and the rest will be paid off slowly. At that time, the lawyers were all there, and everyone could testify! Are you shameless? I will release all these materials later!".

Wang Xiaofei scolded Big S in a post.

(Reposted from Weibo)

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