Liu Fuxuan pointed out that many elderly people have teeth degeneration problems, so they began to not like to eat; the situation is pictured.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Many elderly people have tooth degeneration problems, so they start not to eat. In this regard, Liu Fuxuan, a dentist at the Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen Medical University, pointed out that it is recommended to puree or juice fruits and eat them together with fiber , to prevent constipation; meat is difficult to chew, sometimes it can be replaced by eggs and beans, sometimes it can be made into pureed meat and mixed with porridge, and animal and vegetable protein should be supplemented at the same time.

Liu Fuxuan posted on her Facebook fan page "Liu Fuxuan Dental Physician who loves to chat with elders, Taichung South District Zhongshan Medical Dental Denture Filling Oral Care" that some elderly people will become less fond of chewing and eating due to tooth degeneration, which may even lead to physical or psychological problems. question.

Therefore, she shared 4 methods to allow people with bad teeth to eat easily:

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Soy eggs instead of meat:

After tooth decay, the meat that could be easily eaten becomes difficult to chew, so some elders turn to broth, but it will cause poor protein absorption. It is recommended to use tofu, soy milk, etc. that are easier to swallow as a source of protein.

Meat and seafood porridge mixed with puree:

meat should be supplemented as much as possible, because the nutrients contained in meat may not be supplemented by plant foods. If it is really difficult to chew, you can mix it with porridge, so that the staple food and protein have make up.

●Melons instead of leafy vegetables:

Some leafy vegetables have more fiber and thicker, which may be difficult for elders to chew. You can use wax gourd, large cucumber and other melons instead.

●Eat fruit with fiber:

Fruits are recommended to be pureed or juiced and eaten together with fiber to prevent constipation.

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  • teeth

  • Balanced diet

  • chew

  • nutritional imbalance

  • Cellulose

  • old man teeth

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