Big S (left) issued certificates to buy two houses for her, and added Wang Xiaofei's IOU.

(File photo, photo by reporter Pan Shaotang)

[Reporter Yi Huici/Taipei Report] Wang Xiaofei broke out with "Big S" Xu Xiyuan's divorce and financial disputes. The big S petitioned the Taipei District Court for enforcement and seized some of Wang Xiaofei's assets. Let it go, Big S (3) couldn't bear it anymore, directly posted the bank account details, revealed that "the two suites were purchased by myself with loans", and said that she felt sorry for Zhang Lan who sold hot and sour noodles hoarsely, but "was tricked by her son".

In addition, she disclosed evidence that Wang Xiaofei borrowed 26 million yuan from her, saying, "This was written by Aixinjueluo Wang himself. After the incident, only 5 million yuan has been repaid. Marrying into a "rich family" is really a sure thing. Now eighteen generations of ancestors Being slandered and speechless. No wonder Ruanfan is so easy to sell.”

In the IOU, it was written that Wang Xiaofei borrowed 26 million from her at a time, 20 million was invested in hotels, 6 million was used for legal fees, and all were repaid at the end of 2018. The borrowing date was October 6, 2018.

Please read on...

The big S post proves that the house was purchased for himself.

(reposted from IG)

Wang Xiaofei's IOU.

(reposted from IG)

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