[Reporter Xu Shiying/Comprehensive Report] The absurd and crazy comedy "Bear Gai Poison", the story is inspired by a real event that happened in 1985. When a drug dealer's plane crashed and lost a batch of cocaine, As a result, it was eaten by a black bear, causing it to go wild, and the result was really "a river of blood".

The movie describes a group of policemen, criminals, tourists and teenagers all gathered in a woods in Georgia, USA, where a black bear, the top predator weighing nearly 230 kilograms, swallowed a large amount of cocaine and began to kill.

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Directed by Elizabeth Banks of "Sing It Up 2," the film features a cast that includes the late Emmy winner Reriota, Kelly Russell of "The Spy" and O'Neill of "Straight Outta Compton." Shea Jackson, Kristen Confrey Jenning from the TV series "Boys with Antlers", Aiden Alan Rick from "Star Wars Story: Han Solo", Jesse Taylor Ferguson from the TV series "Modern Family" and others, "Bear Cover" Poison" is expected to be released in Taiwan on March 17, 2023.

"Bear Cap Poison" trailer: (The source of the video is YouTube, please forgive me if it is removed)

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