Jiang Zemin.

(Associated Press)

[Reporter Yi Huici/Comprehensive Report] Jiang Zemin, the third-generation leader of the CCP and former general secretary, died yesterday in Shanghai at the age of 96. He had been in charge of the CCP’s party, government, and military systems for 15 years, but his political power Nothing left.

After the news was exposed, the anchor of "CCTV" put on a black tie to broadcast relevant news seriously. However, the well-known apps including Taobao and Xiaohongshu automatically switched to black and white. Because Xiaohongshu mainly uses pictures of people, it caused Chinese netizens to ridicule It's too outrageous, turning all people into black and white, are you going to be buried with them?

The entire page of Xiaohongshu turns black and white, which is very scary.

(Photo taken from Little Red Book)

The pages of Xiaohongshu become black and white, and the user content is also all black and white.

(Photo taken from Little Red Book)

Xiaohongshu can be said to be the Chinese version of IG. It mainly focuses on clothing, beauty, food and tourist attractions. Many well-known Chinese and Taiwanese artists and Internet celebrities have opened accounts to introduce their own clothing and makeup. It can record life and is very popular among young people.

When the Xiaohongshu APP interface is opened, the user photos on the entire wall are all black and white like posthumous photos. The funniest thing is that the shopping function is in color.

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Xiaohongshu user photos are all black and white.

(Photo taken from Little Red Book)

CCTV anchor wears a black tie to report Jiang Zemin's death.

(Turn over Weibo)

Weibo ridiculed, "Why does Xiaohongshu make black and white, it's scary to open it in the middle of the night", "What does it mean to make all photos black and white, buried with you?", "Don't be too ridiculous", "There are many ways to mourn. The operation of turning photos into black and white is incomprehensible. Who would want to see their selfies turn into posthumous photos?" The pages are in color", "Opening in the middle of the night is really a visual impact".

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