[Reporter Zhong Zhikai/Taipei Report] Tang Ling was recently reported by overseas media that "Tang Ling has only 3 months left to live! The truth about being unmarried at the age of 42 is amazing. Now that the content of the will is exposed, everyone will cry." She said this is not true.

Tang Ling just went to clean the artificial blood vessel recently.

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She suffered from gastric cancer in 2019 and survived surgery and 8 times of chemotherapy. Unexpectedly, during a routine computerized tomography examination, she found a unilateral ovarian tumor. After removing her ovary and uterus in January, she found cancer cell metastasis, which is cancer 4 During the period, she revealed that she hadn't had chemotherapy for more than a year, had no spread after the MRI, and was applying for a new drug, which was subsidized by kind people.

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Regarding the report that there were only 3 months left to live, Tang Ling said that it was incorrect and the title would be misleading. She said it was like a rattle, "God have mercy."

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