Physicians pointed out that poor blood sugar control may be related to hepatitis C virus. It is estimated that there are still nearly a million people with diabetes who do not know whether they are infected with hepatitis C virus. They call on people with diabetes to take the initiative to screen and treat.

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[Reporter Qiu Zhirou/Report from Taipei] Diabetes is one of the top ten causes of death in the country. About 160,000 people suffer from diabetes every year. For diabetics, if blood sugar is out of control, it will lead to many serious complications.

Physicians pointed out that poor blood sugar control may be related to hepatitis C virus. However, only 60% of the 2.3 million diabetic patients in China have received liver C screening. Virus infection, calling on sugar friends to take the initiative to screen and treat.

Wang Zhiyuan, chairman of the Diabetes Health Education Association of the Republic of China, said bluntly that the impact of liver C on blood sugar control should not be underestimated. Hepatitis C virus will affect insulin resistance in the body, resulting in poor blood sugar control. Studies have shown that the removal of hepatitis C virus can reduce glycosylated hemoglobin by 0.45% on average , the blood sugar dropped by 22 mg/dl. If the hepatitis C virus can be eradicated early and insulin sensitivity can be improved, the blood sugar control of the patient will be more stable.

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Pu Ruofang, director of the National Hepatitis C Elimination Office of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, pointed out that diabetes is one of the main extrahepatic comorbidities of liver C. According to the latest data, only 60% of diabetics receive liver C screening. It is estimated that there are nearly one million diabetics It is not clear whether I am also at risk of hepatitis C virus.

Gao Jiahong, chairman of the Taiwan Liver Disease Medical Policy Association, said that although hepatitis C mainly infects liver cells, it can also cause chronic systemic and vascular inflammation. Abnormal, eventually lead to cardiovascular disease and stroke.

The National Health Service reminds that 80% of liver cancers are caused by hepatitis B and C. After infection with B and C, 1 in 4 people will develop liver cirrhosis, and 1 in 20 people will develop concurrent liver cirrhosis. Liver cancer is the main cause of chronic liver disease and liver cancer death.

However, there are usually no obvious symptoms in the early stage of liver disease, and most of them are already in the late stage of liver disease when they are discovered.

Since September 28, 2020, the National Health Administration has relaxed the age of hepatitis B and C screening in adult preventive health care, and the age of 45 to 79 years old is once in a lifetime (the aborigines can be as early as 40 years old). Currently, nearly 7,000 medical hospitals across the country provide adult Preventive care hepatitis B and C screening services.

In addition, from 2019, as long as hepatitis C infection is confirmed, regardless of whether there is liver fibrosis, the government will fully pay for hepatitis C oral new drug treatment, with low side effects and a cure rate of over 98%. Diabetics are encouraged to actively screen and treat.

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  • diabetes

  • blood sugar

  • liver cirrhosis

  • Liver B

  • Liver C

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