To commemorate the late singer "Wen Xia" from Taiwan, the Ministry of Culture and the Nanshi Cultural Bureau held a "Special Exhibition on Wen Xia's Singing and Traveling Life" at the Taipei Pop Music Center.

(Provided by Nanshi Cultural Bureau)

[Reporter Wang Hanping/Taipei Report] To commemorate the late singer "Wen Xia" from Taiwan, the Ministry of Culture and the Nanshi Cultural Bureau held a special exhibition of "Wen Xia's Singing and Traveling Life" at the Taipei Pop Music Center, from November 25th to December 10th As of the day, Akibo, a world-class design master and good friend of Mr. Wenxia, ​​will design and plan, curate with emotion, and commemorate Wenxia's brilliant life.

According to the Nanshi Cultural Bureau, Wen Xia was born in Madou, Tainan City in 1928. He has been creating and performing since he was a student. His representative works include "Hometown at Dusk", "Take Care, Mom", "The Stars Know My Heart", etc. Classic songs, the "Four Sisters of Wenxia", Taiwan's first popular girl group organized by Wenxiang, Wenfeng, Wenque, and Wenying, was even more popular at the time.

From 1962 to 1972, Wen Xia also starred in 11 films including "Taipei Night", "Green Island Night", and "Revolving Horse Lantern".

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The four exhibits in the special exhibition record the joys and sorrows that Wenxia devoted to music all his life, including the "Wenxia Classic Song Propaganda Vehicle", which is a replica of Wenxia's movie "Taipei Night". The reader embarks on a musical time journey.

"Taiwan Song King's Gezi Album" collects the nostalgic era of Wenxia's music; "Wenxia Sings and Travels in Japan" is recorded by his wife Wenxiang himself to tell the story, presented in a suitcase device, detailing Wenxia's entry into the Japanese music scene, The sensibility of the couple being homesick and homesick.

The highlight of the scene, "Wen Xia's Story Album", used pictures of Wen Xia's life in the form of photos and illustrations to tell the story behind the scenes.

A documentary about the precious figure of the singer of Baodao was also played on the spot.

The Nanshi Cultural Bureau will also open a permanent exhibition "Wenxia Story Hall" at the Zongye Art Center.

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