The nutritionist said that when you are in a bad mood, it is recommended to supplement vitamin B1, B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, mineral calcium, magnesium, etc. to maintain a good mood.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The weekend holiday is over, and the pressure of work and schoolwork on Monday always makes people anxious and moody.

In this regard, nutritionist Zhong Yijun said that when you are in a bad mood, it is recommended to supplement vitamin B1, B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, mineral calcium, magnesium, etc., such as 1 cup of cocoa milk per day, or eating yogurt mixed with bananas Nuts can keep you happy and in a good mood.

Zhong Yijun sorted out 7 categories of nutrients in the Facebook fan page "Elly Nutritionist's Health Diary", which can maintain nerve health, stabilize the spirit, resist inflammation and maintain a good mood.

Please read on...

1. Vitamin B1:

Vitamin B1 is related to neurotransmitters, which can maintain nerve health and stabilize the spirit.

Food sources such as brown rice, whole grain bread, oats, pork.

2. Vitamin B6:

Vitamin B6 is involved in the manufacture of dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin, which are all related to mood, and vitamin B6 is also an important nutrient for women to improve premenstrual syndrome.

Food sources such as chicken tenders, garlic, salmon, bananas, nuts.

3. Vitamin C:

Vitamin C can assist the production of anti-stress hormones, and participate in the synthesis of some neurotransmitters to help the body fight stress.

Food sources such as guava, kiwi, citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli.

4. Calcium:

Calcium is also related to nerve conduction and affects muscle contraction. When the body is in a tense state, of course it will affect emotions.

Food sources, such as milk, yogurt, yogurt, cheese, dried fish, dried shrimp, tofu, dried tofu, black sesame.

5. Magnesium:

Magnesium has a similar function to calcium, which is related to muscle relaxation and nerve conduction.

Food sources such as seaweed, nuts, cocoa powder, bananas.

6. Vitamin D:

Vitamin D can assist calcium absorption, and many studies have pointed out that vitamin D is related to depression.

Food sources such as fish, eggs, liver, beef, dried shiitake mushrooms, fungus.

7. Omega-3 oil:

Depression is caused by brain inflammation, and Omega-3 oil is an effective anti-inflammatory nutrient, and oil is also a substance that constitutes the cell membrane.

Food sources such as salmon, mackerel, saury, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flaxseed oil.

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  • Calcium

  • anti-inflammatory

  • vitamins

  • healthy diet

  • fight against stress

  • good mood

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