Yellow Teeth Home Remedies: Follow these methods to remove yellowing of teeth. 

special things

  • Yellow teeth will be cleaned in this way.

  • Some solutions will come in handy.

  • Teeth will start appearing white.

Teeth Whitening:

Yellowing of the teeth is a major problem that bothers countless people.

Once pyorrhea sets in the teeth, it doesn't even take the name of going away.

At the same time, the upper layer of the teeth also turns yellow due to which the yellowness starts peeping out as soon as you smile.

If someone ever interrupts for yellow teeth, then you have to face embarrassment, so different.

That's why if some things at home are adopted regularly for a week, then you can get rid of the problem of yellow teeth. 

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cause of yellowing of teeth 

  • There are many things to eat that can turn the top layer of the teeth yellow.

    This can also happen if you eat too much of cold drinks, tobacco and turmeric. 

  • Not cleaning the teeth properly also causes yellowing. 

  • The teeth of a person suffering from any disease also turn yellow. 

  • Due to ageing, the teeth start turning yellow. 

Home remedies for yellow teeth |

Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Before use, note that you should take apple vinegar in limited quantity.

Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 3 teaspoons of water.

Apply it on the teeth with fingers and rub it.

You can also do this with a brush.

After this, clean the teeth thoroughly with water.

You will see the effect in a few days. 


Use strawberries to clean teeth naturally.

Grind it and keep it on the teeth for at least 5 minutes and then wash the mouth.

Apart from this, teeth can also be cleaned by mixing strawberries in baking soda. 

herbal powder 

This herbal powder will not only remove yellowing of teeth but also stop toothache, cavity and bleeding gums.

To make this powder, mix neem, basil and baking soda in equal quantity.

You can also add 1 to 2 clove buds after grinding them.

There is a good effect on brushing teeth with this powder. 

Baking soda 

Cleaning the teeth with baking soda can solve the problem of yellow teeth.

This also keeps bacteria away and gets rid of bad breath.

For use, make a thick paste by mixing water in one teaspoon of baking soda and clean the teeth by taking it in a brush. 

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Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice.

It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

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