[Reporter Yi Huici/Taipei Report] "Bear Bear" Zhuo Yutong recently revealed on the show that there is an actress in private and a job as a media girl, and she is the one with S, which sparked heated discussions. Unexpectedly, she was also scolded by the sour people. She was also choked "Didn't you accept the dinner?" To this, Xiong Xiong responded positively that she was not able to reach the threshold.


(Flipping Facebook)

A few days ago, the variety show "Classmates Are Coming" asked a makeup artist to gossip. The female makeup artist pointed out that a divorced female artist told her that there was an actress who was receiving dinner. do S.

She revealed that the characteristic of this dinner actress is that she has no job, but has a lot of famous brands and lives in a very high-end place. She can probably imagine what she is doing in private.

She revealed that there are big-brother-level figures who would be called Communication Girls in private. Unexpectedly, it was an artist who was called over once, "and the kind with S."

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After the controversy arose, Xiong Xiong posted on Facebook that she was used to being bullied by sour people. She never had any subjective views on "eating games" or "receiving S". No one is qualified to judge other people's lives."

But Xiong Xiong said that it is inappropriate to keep herself out of the matter and attack others. What she wants to express is "the show business circle is small, don't do bad things." She also saw friends asking, "Didn't Xiong Xiong himself accept the dinner?" Self-deprecating: "Maybe I can't reach the threshold, but no one has really looked for me!"

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