Nutritionists remind that dried fruit and nuts are relatively healthy snacks, but the calories of dried fruit are not low, 6 to 10 times that of fruit, and it will explode if you are not careful.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Dried fruit made from processed fruit has become very popular in recent years because of its natural source, delicious taste and convenience, but did you know that dried fruit has more calories than fresh fruit?

In this regard, nutritionist Peng Yishan reminded that dried fruit and nuts are relatively healthy snacks, but the calories of dried fruit are not low, 6 to 10 times that of fruit, and it will explode if you are not careful.

For example, fresh apples have 51 calories, but dried apples can reach 343 calories.

Peng Yishan pointed out in a Facebook fan page "Love Health Nutritionist Shanshan" that the calories of dried fruit can be 6 to 10 times that of fruit, mainly because of the high water content of fresh fruit, and dried fruit that has lost water is solid real sugar.

In terms of content per 100 grams, the calories of fresh fruit and dried fruit are 51 calories for fresh apples, but 343 calories for dried apples; 38 calories for fresh guava, and 347 calories for dried guava; Fresh mango has 50 calories, and dried mango has 371 calories; fresh lemon has 33 calories, and dried lemon has 344 calories; fresh pineapple has 53 calories, and dried pineapple has 348 calories.

Please read on...

According to the Council of Agriculture, the attractiveness of fruit lies in the naturally changing color, aroma, taste and rich nutrients.

Generally speaking, fruit ingredients contain water, calories, fiber, vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Among them, water accounts for up to 80 to 90 percent, but after drying, only about 10 percent remains, or even lower.

It can be seen that water is the most lost component when dried fruits are made, while vitamin B group and vitamin C will be destroyed by high temperature, and they are also nutrients that are easily lost.

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  • heat

  • fruit

  • Dried fruit

  • healthy diet

  • sugar

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