The red box is the PO article of Ju Junye who came to Taiwan in 2018, which is still there, breaking the theory of deleting the article.

(reposted from IG)

[Reporter Zhong Zhikai/Taipei Report] Today's hot search on Weibo is "Ju Junye deleted the ins of flying to Taipei for 18 years", because Zhang Lan said that Big S cheated in marriage, Chinese netizens said that Gu Junye deleted his whereabouts, suspected to be trying to cover up What is it, for this PO article "Stop Fake News" by Ju Junye.

Chinese netizens pointed out that some netizens revealed that Ju Junye flew to Taipei without notice in 2018, and even shouted "I miss her" through Taiwanese media in 2018. Go to his IG, but Gu Junye showed the relevant post today, saying that he did not delete it, and slapped Chinese netizens in the face.

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