Other criminal acts of those who stole from the farm were revealed.

According to the information given to APA by the Shirvan regional group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of the operational measures conducted by the employees of the Salyan District Police Department, Famil Rzayev and Shahriyar Asadli, residents of the Birinci Varli village of the district, who were suspected of stealing 73 head of small-horned animals from one of the farms located in the Peyk village of the district, were detained.

During the interrogation, those persons confessed to the crime and said that they sold some of the stolen animals at a lower price than their value.

The rest of the animals were taken by police officers as material evidence and returned to the victim.

In addition, another criminal act of F. Rzayev and Sh. Asadli was revealed during the investigation.

Thus, in early October of this year, it was determined that those persons stole 2 head of cattle from one of the private farms located in the Duzenlik village of the region and caused financial damage to the victim.

Regarding the fact, a criminal case was opened in the Salyan RPSH, and a pretrial detention measure was chosen for the detained persons by the decision of the district court.

Investigations are ongoing.