Xu Yuzhen said that calcium supplementation will not grow taller. Calcium supplementation can only make bones harder and improve bone density, but it will not promote bone growth. Protein is the key to growth and development.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Parents want their children to grow taller, so they often prepare a glass of milk for their children at breakfast, and milk is rich in calcium, so is it calcium that makes children grow taller?

The nutritionist said that calcium supplementation will not make children grow taller. Calcium supplementation will only make bones harder and better bone density, but it will not promote bone growth. Protein is the key to growth and development. The reason why milk can help grow High, because it is rich in high-quality protein and calcium, which can be well absorbed and utilized by the body.

Nutritionist Xu Yuzhen posted on the Facebook fan page "Ivy Nutritionist's Health Classroom" that children's height development has always been one of the issues that parents are very concerned about, and many advertisements continue to suggest that children should be supplemented with calcium and calcium tablets during the growth and development period , to make the child grow taller.

But in fact, this is a wrong concept. Supplementing calcium only makes bones harder and better bone density, and does not promote bone growth.

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Xu Yuzhen pointed out that protein is the key to growing taller. The role of protein in the human body is very important. The growth and development of human muscles, bones, tissues and organs, blood cells, skin, hair, nervous system, and immune system must rely on protein Therefore, if there is a lack of protein, there will be problems such as stunting, poor immunity, frequent illness, difficult wound healing, dry skin, and dry hair.

She also said that drinking milk will help grow taller because milk is rich in high-quality protein and calcium. Each cup of milk (240c.c.) contains 8 grams of protein that is quite good and can be well utilized by the body. Every 1c.c Milk also contains 1 mg of calcium, so drinking milk is equal to killing two birds with one stone, and can supplement protein and calcium at the same time.

Xu Yuzhen also pointed out that not only children need to drink milk, but adults and senior friends also need it to avoid the occurrence of sarcopenia and osteoporosis. The National Health Administration recommends that Chinese people over the age of 1 drink 480 c.c. of milk every day To supplement nutrition, if you don't like to drink milk, you can also drink yogurt or yogurt, or even eat cheese.

Xu Yuzhen reminded that the premise of sufficient protein is that the total calories must also be sufficient. If you only eat protein food, but the total calories are insufficient, then the protein will be metabolized by the body and used as energy, so that it cannot be used to synthesize muscles and bones. .

Therefore, if you want to grow up well, it not only involves the intake of protein and calcium, but also the sum of total calories and various nutrients.

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  • milk

  • Calcium

  • protein

  • healthy lifestyle

  • bone growth

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