Escaped From Train:

At the railway station, people are often seen running in haste and crossing the railway tracks.

It is often seen that even after seeing the danger coming from the front, many times people ignore and do not hold back from taking risky risks.

Although a little carelessness sometimes becomes very expensive, in spite of this people repeat the same mistakes again and again, videos of mistakes committed by passengers knowingly or unknowingly at railway stations are often seen on social media.

Some people are unable to forget their mistakes for life, while some become victims of accidents due to haste of 2 minutes.

Recently, a similar video is coming out, in which seeing the antics of a person, your heartbeat will also increase due to fear.

In this surprising video, it can be seen that how a person is changing the platform from the tracks by ignoring the rules.

During this, you will see that his shoe gets stuck somewhere and suddenly comes out of his foot, that person stops on the track to pick it up and wear it.

Meanwhile, a high speed train comes from the front.

Meanwhile, a policeman standing on the platform is seen repeatedly asking him to get off the tracks and climb the platform.

Till then the train comes very close to the person.

watch video here

Your life is more valuable than your shoes,

what about shoes, they will be found again in the market

but your life will not be found again 🙏❤️

- Life is beautiful !

(@Gulzar_sahab) November 14, 2022

It will be called luck that, despite being very close to the train, the person passes through the tracks and climbs onto the platform safely.

Now this video is becoming increasingly viral on social media.

Although this video is old, but once again it is becoming increasingly viral, seeing which people are getting goosebumps due to fear.

This video has been shared on the social media platform Twitter.

Seeing the antics of the person in the video, people are fuming with anger.

This trending video of just 22 seconds has been viewed thousands of times so far.

You should always keep in mind that if there is life then there is world. 

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