It is very important for cancer friends to eat a balanced diet to help maintain good physical strength.

(Photo provided / Yuanlin Christian Hospital)

Text / Cai Dairong

Often encountering cancer patients in outpatient clinics after being diagnosed, they are worried that they will not be able to eat, or they are afraid to eat after hearing about the dietary taboos circulating in the market, resulting in weight loss and malnutrition, which in turn affects the progress of treatment and overall health.

In fact, adequate and balanced nutrition is very important.

Do not fall into myths

The following is a nutritionist to give correct information on health education for several myths that are often heard in outpatient health education.

Please read on...

◎Can't eat the meat of two-legged animals (poultry) or eggs with cancer?

Poultry and eggs are high-protein foods, rich in amino acids, vitamin B group and minerals required for anti-cancer, and have high nutritional value.

◎ In order to starve cancer cells, so you can't eat too much supplement?

Cancer cells grow faster than normal cells, and even if you don't eat anything, the cancer cells will continue to grow.

Patients should take adequate nutrition, maintain physical strength, and cooperate with treatment in order to fight the disease.

◎Do you have to eat at home?

Can't eat out?

The immunity of the patients under treatment will be affected, and it is necessary to pay attention to dietary hygiene and safety to reduce the occurrence of infection.

Grasp no raw food, avoid low-temperature sterilized foods (such as: sashimi, lettuce salad, low-temperature sterilized fresh milk), eat peelable fruits, and still enjoy eating out!

◎ Cancer cells like to eat sugar, can they not eat sugar?

Carbohydrates are commonly heard carbohydrates, which are widely found in whole grains (rice, wheat and roots), fruits and dairy products.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, and journal studies have shown that patients on very low-sugar diets (carbohydrates make up less than 40% of calorie intake) have a higher risk of death.

If there are too many dietary taboos, resulting in malnutrition or affecting the progress of treatment, it will be even more unfavorable for disease control.

◎ Breast cancer can not eat soy products?

Soy is rich in soy isoflavones, the structure is similar to human estrogen, so breast cancer patients will be worried about eating soy or soy products.

Recent studies have found that eating soy and its products does not increase the risk of breast cancer recurrence, and some studies have pointed out that isoflavones can slow tumor growth.

Hormone-like effects only occur when supplemented in large quantities.

As long as you don't take isoflavone supplements, you can eat whole foods.

A balanced diet and enough exercise to maintain good physical strength are the best way to get through the treatment period!

If you have weight loss, decreased appetite or diet-related problems, be sure to ask your doctor or case manager to refer you to a nutritionist for nutritional assessment and dietary hygiene education.

(The author is a nutritionist at the Nutrition and Dietetics Course of Yuanlin Christian Hospital)

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  • cancer

  • cancer

  • health care

  • eating habits

  • healthy diet

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