According to a nutritionist, green bananas have a lot of starch and feel full after eating, while bananas that are yellow and with brown spots have the lowest calories and the best antioxidant power.

(Picture taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Bananas are not only nutritious, but also super convenient to eat, but how to choose and store them?

Dietitian Gao Minmin divides bananas into 7 color levels, among which bananas with brown spots have the lowest calories and the best antioxidant power, but diabetics and those with potassium-restricted kidney disease should consume them in moderation.

As for preservation, it is recommended that ripe bananas can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored in the vegetable and fruit layer of the refrigerator, but it is still recommended to consume them within 2 days to preserve the best flavor.

Gao Minmin posted on the Facebook fan page "Gao Minmin Nutritionist" that bananas can be divided into 7 levels, the greenest level 1 has a lot of starch, and you feel full after eating, while level 7 will show Whole yellow with brown spots, bananas at this time have the highest nutritional value.

In addition, she also sorted out the nutritional value of 3 levels:

Please read on...

●Green bananas: The

most resistant starch, high fiber, eat a feeling of satiety, and blood sugar will be relatively stable.

In terms of 100g content, the calories are 90 kcal, dietary fiber 2g, vitamin C 11mg, sugar 9.2g, and GI value 30.

●Yellow bananas:

help defecation, good digestion, and sweet and delicious just right.

In terms of 100g content, the calories are 84 kcal, dietary fiber 1.7g, vitamin C 6mg, sugar 11.9g, and GI value 42.

●Brown bananas:

Ripe bananas are richer in antioxidant nutrients, have thin skin and soft flesh, and have high nutritional value.

In terms of 100g content, the calories are 68 kcal, dietary fiber 1.6g, vitamin C 5mg, sugar 10.8g, and GI value 52.

Nutrient ratio of banana ripeness.

(The picture is taken from the high-sensitivity powder special)

Gao Minmin said that bananas are rich in potassium ions, which can help regulate blood pressure and are a good fruit for people with high blood pressure. In addition, bananas are also rich in tryptophan, which can produce the happy hormone serotonin, which helps improve brain stress. , and the rich mineral magnesium, which can stabilize nerves and improve sleep quality. It can be said to be a natural nerve stabilizer.

However, Gao Minmin reminded that bananas are delicious, but the amount is very important. 1 banana = 2 fruits. It is recommended to share it with your family. In addition, he also reminds people with diabetes or kidney disease who need potassium restriction. Control your banana intake.

As for what to do to prolong the storage time?

Gao Minmin suggested that ripe bananas can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored in the vegetable and fruit layer of the refrigerator, but it is still recommended that they be eaten within 2 days to maintain the best flavor.

In addition, choose uniform color, no bruise marks, choose less spots or greenish yellow color, and store it in a cool and ventilated place for a long time.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin.

(Provided by Gao Minmin)

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  • banana

  • fruit

  • anti-oxidation

  • healthy diet

  • nutritional value

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