Chinese medicine practitioners said that lycopene and vitamin C in tomatoes can prevent prostate cancer, prevent colds and delay skin aging. It is recommended to choose cooking methods such as tomato scrambled eggs or tomato bolognese pasta, or Eat raw fruit after meals.

(Picture provided by Zhang Hongming)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Tomato is a common vegetable and fruit on the table, whether it is eaten raw or added to dishes, it is loved by everyone.

In this regard, Chinese medicine practitioners said that lycopene and vitamin C in tomatoes can prevent prostate cancer, prevent colds and delay skin aging. It is recommended to choose cooking methods such as tomato scrambled eggs or tomato meat sauce pasta , or eat it raw as fruit after meals.

Zhang Hongming, the attending physician of Zhongli/Yangmei Fengze Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, pointed out that tomato is also called tomato in some books. In "Lu Chuan Materia Medica", it is recorded that it can "produce fluid and quench thirst, strengthen the stomach and digest food, cure thirst and loss of appetite", If some people with hot constitution often have broken mouth, constipation, and bleeding when brushing their teeth, they can usually eat more tomatoes. However, research on crude drugs has found that tomatoes are rich in flavonoids, which can protect the health of blood vessels and prevent high blood pressure. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, It can really be said to be a good fruit and vegetable for nourishing the heart and protecting the liver.

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However, Zhang Hongming said that people who have a deficiency of the stomach and are prone to diarrhea, or have a cold-type cold, such as fear of cold, itchy throat, runny nose, etc., these people try to avoid eating raw tomatoes, and eat them after cooking.

As for how to eat healthy?

Zhang Hongming said that if you want to consume more lycopene, which can prevent prostate cancer, you can choose cooking methods like tomato scrambled eggs or spaghetti with tomato meat sauce; if you want to consume more lycopene, which can prevent colds and delay skin aging Vitamin C can be eaten raw as fruit after meals.

According to TCM practitioners, people with gastrointestinal deficiencies and diarrhea easily, or those with cold-type colds, such as fear of cold, itchy throat, runny nose, etc., should avoid eating raw tomatoes as much as possible, and eat them after cooking.

(Picture provided by Zhang Hongming)

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  • tomato

  • cold

  • fruit

  • healthy diet

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • skin aging

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