Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners pointed out that eating more sweet and calm foods in autumn not only has a good effect of "nourishing yin", but also can prevent various symptoms caused by dry weather.

For example white radish.

(Picture taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Today (23rd) begins to enter the frost, which is the last solar term of autumn. The temperature gradually turns cold, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the air humidity is low.

Liu Deyi, a physician at Fengshan Maguang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, reminded that in the late autumn, health care should prevent dryness and nourish yin. You can eat more sweet and calm food, sleep early and get up early. If you do not maintain it properly, dry cough, sticky phlegm, cracked skin, and constipation may all be on your body oh!

Autumn dryness affects physical and mental health

Liu Deybium pointed out that the air is relatively dry in autumn. Long-term exposure to a dry environment will affect the health of the human body and cause diseases. It is called "dryness" in traditional Chinese medicine. Dry, dry cough without phlegm or sticky phlegm, dry skin leading to peeling, cracking or even inflammation, depletion of large intestine fluid leading to constipation and other symptoms.

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Liu Deybium said that when the frost falls, the climate turns cold, which affects the endocrine system of the human body, and it is easy to produce melancholy emotions. In autumn and winter, the vegetation withers, and the imagery tends to be desolate and sad, which often induces people's originally suppressed negative thoughts and awakens outdated ones. Unpleasant memories can even cause the onset of mental illnesses such as depression and bipolar disorder in severe cases.

Frost-fall health-care countermeasures

Adapt to the weather: Go to bed early and get up early

"In order to conform to the rhythm of nature, in the frost season, going to bed early and getting up early is the most healthy." Liu Deyb To stretch the lung qi, don't sleep late. If you sleep for too long, your body will be weak and even lead to depression.

You can get up in the morning and open the window to expel the turbid air produced by the human body overnight, and then do some relaxing stretching exercises, such as a set of Tai Chi, yoga, or simple calisthenics, which will help reduce depression and improve resistance. disease ability.

Convergence but not dissipation: eat less spicy, more sweet

Liu Deyb It is necessary to nourish and store the water and nutrients in the body.

"Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine" emphasizes: "Qiu Dong Yang Yin" is here.

Therefore, such as onion, ginger, garlic, pepper and other spicy food should be eaten less, and more sweet and smooth food, such as white fungus, pumpkin, sesame, yam, white radish, water bamboo shoots, wolfberry, and honey are all suitable. "Yin" is very effective, and it can also avoid the damage of "dryness" to the water in the body, and prevent various symptoms caused by dry weather. If the skin is dry, peeling, and cracked, you can apply moisturizing products appropriately, but try to choose ones without added fragrance. products, because many fragrances are allergens for skin diseases.

In addition, proper exercise is very good, but it should not be excessive, too long or too intense exercise can easily dissipate the body's essence, which violates the principle of collecting essence in autumn and winter.

Today is frost, Chinese medicine practitioners suggest that this season should go to bed early and get up early, and the diet recommends sesame mixed with yam.

(Provided by Ma Kuang TCM Clinic)

Frostbite solar term health recipe

Lily Pear Porridge

● Practice: Wash Lily Sanqian, peel half a pear and cut it into small pieces to cook porridge.

●Efficacy: moistens the lungs, nourishes the stomach and calms the nerves, improves common symptoms in autumn such as dry mouth and nose, dry cough, thick phlegm, depression and upset.

Mixed yam with sesame

●Method: Put on gloves, peel the yam, cut it into strips, boil it in water for 20 seconds, remove it and let it cool, then pour over sesame paste and sesame seeds.

●Efficacy: Gently enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, and prepare for future resistance to cold winters.

Dr. Liu Deybium from Maguang Chinese Medicine Clinic in Fengshan.

(Provided by Ma Kuang TCM Clinic)

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  • Yam

  • white radish

  • Sesame

  • solar term

  • autumn dryness

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

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