▲Although confirmed patients are isolated, they can obtain professional medical treatment through video consultation.

(Photo provided by Lin Meirong)

Text / Lin Meirong

"Why didn't you help me open Qingguan No. 1?" Frequently the confirmed patient in the video asks.

"Because I want to prescribe the right prescription for your current situation!" I replied.

Originally, "Qingguan No. 1" was used to treat epidemics, just like when epidemic plagues occurred many times in human history, doctors designed a prescription with high universality and not severe strength. In certain circumstances, it can be widely administered to people who cannot be carefully examined one by one.

Such a general treatment, naturally ineffective or bad, then the doctor will give individual treatment.

Please read on...

Therefore, not all confirmed patients are suitable for Qingguan No. 1!

In terms of composition, the "Qingguan No. 1" prescription is mainly composed of large doses of cold and cold medicines to clear away heat, plus mild wind-relieving medicines and qi-regulating and phlegm-resolving medicines, to treat cases of excessive heat and mild wind pathogens. , more suitable for warm-type diseases.

However, during this period of time, half of the diagnosed patients actually had other obvious symptoms of wind-cold pathogens, such as body pain, chills and fever, sneezing and nasal discharge. At this time, Qingguan No. 1 could not quickly eliminate wind-induced pathogens, reduce fever and relieve pain. , and the cold medicinal properties in the prescription are not conducive to warming and dispelling cold pathogens, so these patients are not the most suitable for opening Qingguan.

As the weather gets cooler, the proportion of patients with wind-cold syndromes is getting higher and higher, and there may be fewer and fewer people who are suitable for Qingguan.

Video consultation, mature physicians prescribe prescriptions based on evidence

But fortunately, we are not as helpless as the ancients. At present, our medical treatment is sufficient, and the video consultation mode is also very mature. Therefore, I remind everyone that if you have a diagnosis, you should use video to see a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will open the best way to help you. The medicine to improve the condition, don't get the medicine to eat by yourself, so as not to delay the condition.

As for whether it is suitable for Kaiqingguan No. 1, leave it to the professional Chinese medicine doctor to judge!

(The author is a physician at Xinzhuang Qinganju Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic)

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  • health care

  • sneeze

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Wuhan pneumonia

  • Qingguan No.1

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