What temperature should I drink during menstruation?

Yan Yuanying said that as long as you drink more water, you can drink the water temperature you are used to; situation photo.

(Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Does your stomach hurt every time you menstruate?

Regarding the daily maintenance of menstruation, a nutritionist said that to relieve menstrual pain, you can usually consume enough protein, reduce the intake of saturated fat, increase aerobic exercise, and avoid heavy salty.

Dietitian Yan Yuanying posted on the Facebook fan page "Yan Yuanying Nutritionist" that menstruation can be established from daily diet and habits, and maintained or strengthened during menstruation, pain, swelling and discomfort can be properly relieved .

For the daily maintenance of menstruation, Yan Yuanying shared 4 suggestions. In addition to relieving menstrual pain, it can also effectively reduce refined sugar or high calorie intake.

Please read on...

4 Tips for Relieving Menstrual Pain

Sufficient protein intake: People with heavy menstrual blood should pay special attention to the total amount of protein, so they can increase the intake frequency of fish and seafood. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, zinc and vitamin D can alleviate the Menstrual pain.

●Saturated fat is not excessive: Saturated fat is the raw material for cholesterol production, such as palm oil and animal oil. Excessive accumulation in daily life may thicken the endometrium, and prostaglandins will cause more pain during menstruation.

●Increase the amount of aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise will stimulate the secretion of endorphins and serotonin in the brain, which are natural pain relief and pleasure hormones. During the menstrual period, medium and high-intensity aerobic exercise can be continuously arranged.

● Avoid heavy salt: Most studies show that avoiding excess salt can help reduce fluid retention, bloating, breast engorgement, and pain.

In addition, drinking more water every day will help to expel water (similar to aerobic exercise).

As for what temperature of water to drink during menstruation is there any difference?

Yan Yuanying said that as long as you drink more water, you can drink the water temperature you are used to.

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  • menstruation

  • protein

  • Saturated fat

  • Aerobic exercise

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