Ou Shujuan said that the immunization debt has become powerful, and she called on three groups with weak defenses to receive dual vaccines as soon as possible, such as children under the age of 5; the picture shows the situation.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Autumn and winter are active seasons for various respiratory viruses, and influenza viruses are quietly emerging in the community, and people are facing the problem of immunity debt.

Ou Shujuan, a pediatrician, said that the immunization debt has become powerful, and there may be an epidemic of "influenza virus + COVID-19 virus double kill" this autumn and winter. Therefore, she calls on three groups with weak defenses to be vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 as soon as possible. -19 double vaccines.

Ou Shujuan, a paediatrician at Taoyuan Rikang Clinic, posted on her Facebook fan page "Paediatric Female Doctor Emily - Dr. Ou Shujuan" that the number of patients who have experienced a cold in recent outpatient clinics has increased significantly, and the number of people who have a cold in the whole family is higher than the number of people diagnosed in the whole family. Even more, it can be seen that the immunization debt has become a powerful force.

Please read on...

3 groups should be vaccinated as soon as possible

●Children under 5 years old:

Children are young and their resistance has not yet fully developed, and because of the clustered lifestyle in childcare centers and kindergartens, they are particularly vulnerable to virus attacks, and are also particularly vulnerable to severe illness.

But infants under 6 months cannot get the flu vaccine.

●Elderly people over 65 years old:

The elderly, like young children, have weak resistance and are especially vulnerable to virus attack and severe illness. Therefore, it is recommended to get the flu vaccine as soon as possible.

●Pregnant women:

The immunity of women after pregnancy is also relatively weak. Coupled with pregnancy factors, once infected, they are also a high-risk group that is particularly prone to serious illness.

Ou Shujuan mentioned that groups with weak immunity are prone to bacterial infection after viral infection. Double infection is like adding fuel to the fire, causing a greater burden on the body. In severe cases, it may lead to bacterial meningitis and invasive pneumonia, causing life-threatening.

In addition, Ou Shujuan also reminded that in addition to various types of epidemic prevention medical staff and institutional personnel on the front line, there are three types of people who are eligible for the public-funded influenza vaccine. It is recommended to get the influenza vaccine as soon as possible:

Parents of infants under 1.6 months

2. Patients with high-risk diseases:

those with underlying diseases, including high-risk chronic patients, BMI ≥ 30, patients with rare diseases and patients with major injuries.

3. Students (excluding college students)

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  • influenza

  • severe

  • publicly funded flu vaccine

  • COVID-19 Vaccine

  • Immune debt

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