Chen Yuhong said that eating fruits can supplement folic acid, such as papaya, tomato, orange, guava, pineapple, strawberry, etc.

(Picture taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Lack of folic acid will not only cause gum swelling and pain, but also may cause problems such as fatigue, numbness of hands and feet.

The doctor pointed out that papaya, tomato, orange, guava, pineapple, strawberry and other fruits are rich in folic acid, but also reminded not to make juice, so as not to damage the nutrition.

New Taipei Banqiao Yadong Hospital Orthopaedic Physician Chen Yuhong and Dentist Huang Wenlong said in their Facebook fan page "Steel Dad Orthopaedic Spine Specialist Dr. Chen Yuhong | New Taipei Banqiao Yadong Hospital Osteoporosis Fracture Bone Spur Minimally Invasive Surgery" that Taiwanese people are generally deficient in folic acid, and folic acid is the Vitamin B9 is one of the essential nutrients for the human body.

In addition, folic acid is a water-soluble nutrient, and the body will continue to lose it. Even if you eat a lot of it at one time, your body will not be able to retain it, so it can only be replenished continuously.

Please read on...

Chen Yuhong said that small problems that often occur in life, such as tiredness and sleepiness, emotional instability, anemia, etc., may be related to folic acid deficiency.

Lack of folic acid can not only cause gum swelling and pain, but also may cause problems such as fatigue, numbness of hands and feet, difficulty in walking, and chronic degeneration of the posterior lateral cord of the spinal cord.

Therefore, he and Huang Wenlong shared with you the matters that should be paid attention to when supplementing folic acid.

Tips for taking folic acid without losing nutrients

●Do not make fruit juice, the nutrition will be destroyed.

●Folic acid is easily lost with cooking, and it is better to supplement with raw fresh vegetables and fruits.

●Alcohol will reduce the body's absorption of folic acid.

●Do not take with vitamin C, it will interfere with absorption.

Chen Yuhong and Huang Wenlong also pointed out that lack of folic acid may cause gum swelling and pain, fatigue, numbness of hands and feet, chronic spinal cord degeneration, sleepiness, anemia, emotional instability, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, broken mouth, blurred brain, No appetite and other issues.

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  • anemia

  • Vitamin C

  • healthy lifestyle

  • folic acid

  • gum

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