Vocal cord nodules are only one of the causes of hoarseness, and may also be caused by vocal cord atrophy, hypothyroidism, drug effects, etc. The picture shows a situational photo.

(Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Teachers, singers, and hosts are most afraid of hoarseness, but does hoarseness necessarily mean vocal cords?

The doctor explained that vocal cord nodules are only one of the causes of hoarseness, and there are other possible factors that cause hoarseness, such as vocal cord atrophy, hypothyroidism, and drug effects.

Especially those with smoking and drinking habits, if they experience hoarseness for more than 2 weeks, they must seek medical attention to check the vocal cords, so as to avoid laryngeal cancer and delay the treatment.

The director of Cobot Clinic, Liu Boren, shared in the Facebook fan page "Dr. Liu Boren Nutrition and Functional Medicine Expert" that vocal cord atrophy, vocal cord grooves, drugs (antihistamines or tricyclic antidepressants), hypothyroidism, etc. are all possible It will cause hoarseness, and the vocal cord groove and vocal cord atrophy are caused by scarring of the connective tissue of the vocal cord itself, resulting in insufficiency of the vocal cord atresia.

Here are 3 other factors that contribute to hoarseness:

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Acute and chronic vocal cord inflammation

Liu Boren said that as long as infection or corrosive injury can cause this situation, including cold virus infection, bacterial infection, tuberculosis infection, candida infection, especially tuberculosis must be diagnosed, otherwise it may cause family members or friends to be infected Tuberculosis.

Corrosive damage to the vocal cords caused by gastric acid reflux is becoming more and more common. There is also allergic laryngitis caused by allergic constitution. Patients are prone to coughing and hoarseness. At this time, it is also necessary to find out the cause of allergies, such as changes in temperature and humidity, This can improve hoarseness by avoiding allergens when eating allergenic foods such as peanuts or kiwi.

neoplastic hoarseness

Liu Boren pointed out that as long as there are protrusions or tumor lesions on the vocal cords, it will affect the vocal cord vocalization, and vocal cord nodules also belong to this category.

In addition, vocal cord polyps, vocal cord granulomas, vocal cord cysts, vocal cord leukoplakia, Reinke's vocal cord edema, amyloidosis, vocal cord papillomas, and even vocal cord cancer (a type of laryngeal cancer) may cause Hoarseness.

Vocal cord disease

Liu Boren explained that it includes vocal cord paralysis, abnormal laryngeal tension, and abnormal vocalization caused by central brain diseases (such as Parkinson's disease, cerebral apoplexy, cerebral palsy, etc.).

One of the most troublesome is vocal cord paralysis, because the vocal cords are innervated by a "recurrent laryngeal nerve", so if the thoracic tumor compresses this nerve, or the nerve is injured after thyroid surgery, it will cause vocal cord paralysis.

Liu Boren gave an example. For example, the late singer Feng Feifei had a hoarse voice before the concert. At one point, he thought it was because he was too tired to prepare for the concert. The result was terminal lung cancer, which compressed the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which really made fans sad.

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  • vocal cord

  • throat cancer

  • Throat

  • Hoarseness

  • vocal nodules

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