Liao Jiahong, a physician from the Nantou Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, carefully helped the patient to inquire about the situation.

(Provided by Nantou Hospital)

[Reporter Xie Jieyu / Nantou Report] A 45-year-old man surnamed Li in Nantou, who is a diabetic, has repeatedly had a fever and chills in recent days. Seeing the media reports that the local BA.5 epidemic is heating up, he thought he was infected too, but soon The screening was negative several times, so he went to the Nantou Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare for medical treatment. The doctor found out that the cause was related to liver abscess through computerized tomography examination. The image showed that there was an abscess about 2.4 cm in his liver, and he was hospitalized for antibiotic treatment. Later, it has been improved.

Liao Jiahong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Nantou Hospital, said that liver abscesses are caused by bacteria or parasites that cause inflammation and necrosis of liver tissue, resulting in local pus accumulation. Patients are easily mistaken for colds or infection with new coronary pneumonia because of the symptoms. With diabetes, his immune function is not good, making the liver more vulnerable to the attack of bacteria. Fortunately, a drainage tube is arranged to drain the pus out of the body. After treatment with antibiotics, he has gradually recovered.

Please read on...

However, based on past clinical experience, liver abscess is highly likely to recur. Therefore, physicians especially remind patients to follow the doctor's advice, not to interrupt the course of antibiotic treatment without authorization, and to return to the clinic for regular follow-up.

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  • fever

  • liver

  • antibiotic

  • abscess

  • liver abscess

  • computer tomography

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