Lu Huanyi said that there are two main reasons for cramps, namely calcium deficiency and cold in the calf. It is recommended that people get enough calcium and protein, and the calf is the second heart of a person. Only people who have hot feet will be healthy; the picture shows the situation According to.

(Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Have you ever experienced sudden leg cramps in the middle of the night?

Originally a good dream is sweet, and the calf has a sudden spasm, which is really uncomfortable, but how to rescue it?

In this regard, Chinese medicine doctor Lu Huanyi said that there are two main reasons for cramps, namely calcium deficiency and cold in the calf. It is recommended that people have sufficient calcium and protein intake, and the calf is the second heart of a person. healthy.

Calcium deficiency makes muscle nerve conduction abnormal and prone to cramps

Zhan Jingqi pointed out in the Facebook fan page "Zhan Jingqi Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician" that protein is an important material for building the body and a catalyst for many physiological and chemical reactions. Lack of protein in the diet will also affect the absorption of calcium. Calcium deficiency causes muscle nerve conduction. Abnormal, it is easy to cramp.

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Cold legs can easily block the meridians and cause muscle contractions

Zhan Jingqi also said that the calf must be kept warm to prevent cramps in the calf, because the legs have six meridians, including liver, spleen, kidney, stomach, gallbladder, and bladder. In the middle of the night, the wind is cold, and the cold is the main source of contraction, causing the meridians to be blocked and muscles to contract. , causing cramps. The weather has turned cold recently, and there are still many people who are used to wearing shorts, blowing air conditioners, and sleeping with fans, which can easily make their calves cold.

Zhan Jingqi suggested that people who suffer from cramps in the middle of the night should have enough calcium and protein, 1 meal and 1 palm of protein, and a balanced intake of flat tofu, meat, fish, and eggs. To avoid cold calves, you can wear loose trousers to bed. If the room is not ventilated, turn on the circulating fan to avoid blowing directly on people. With the change of seasons, keep healthy in time, and your body will always be healthy.

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  • fish

  • cramp

  • calf

  • protein

  • calcium deficiency

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