The nutritionist pointed out that if the blood exfoliated from the endometrium during the menstrual period, if it flows back into the muscle surface of the uterus, it is called adenomyosis; if it flows back into the ovary, it will form a chocolate cyst; the picture is a situation photo.

(Picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Endometriosis troubles many women, especially ovarian chocolate cysts.

Nutritionist Ma Fengyin shared in a Facebook fan page "Mature Age Health Care Expert - Ma Fengyin Nutritionist" that many women go to the doctor because of menstrual pain only to find endometriosis. If they want to avoid recurrence, it is recommended to change their diet, such as A Mediterranean diet, multi-colored vegetables, and moderate amounts of fruit can be used.

What is Endometriosis

Ma Fengyin pointed out that endometriosis means that the endometrial tissue originally in the uterus has gone to the wrong place.

During the menstrual period, the endometrium will peel off and bleed. Unlike the menstrual blood in the uterus that can be discharged along the cervix, the blood flows back into the muscle surface of the uterus, which is called adenomyosis; if it flows back into the ovary , so-called chocolate cysts (endometriomas) form, and these are affected by estrogen.

Please read on...

7 groups that are prone to endometriosis

● Women who have had few or no pregnancies.

●The first menstrual period comes too early.

●Continue to use hormone therapy after menopause.

●The group with short menstrual cycle (<27 days).

● have a family history.

●Uterine abnormalities.

● autoimmune disease.

Ma Fengyin said that in 2021, a journal published in "Nutrients" suggested that eating more Mediterranean diet can improve infertility and reduce endometriosis.

Studies have also found that foods with omega-6 fatty acids and red meat may increase estradiol and estrone sulfate, both of which can cause inflammation in the body and cause endometriosis.

Therefore, try to eat multi-colored vegetables and moderate fruits as much as possible; phytochemicals are the best antioxidants for the human body.

Ma Fengyin added that both adenomyosis and chocolate cysts will continue to recur. Although pregnancy helps to improve, not everyone will become pregnant.

In addition to cooperating with physician treatment and regular follow-up, diet is the factor that can really be changed.

However, many people are still not taboo about hand-shaking drinks every day, and they should be careful with delicate high-sugar foods and salted chicken.

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  • cervix

  • menstrual pain

  • Estrogen

  • Mediterranean diet

  • chocolate cyst

  • Adenomyosis

  • endometriosis

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