How To Increase Digestion Power: Our better health depends on digestion.

special things

  • Our better health depends on digestion.

  • We should not only eat right but also do many other things right.

  • This includes making a daily routine for cleaning the bowels in the morning.

Tips For Strong Digestive System: Our better health depends on digestion and morning time is most important for digestion.

Therefore, we should not only eat right but also do many other things right.

This includes creating a daily routine for bowel cleansing in the morning.

It will help in curing chronic digestive problems and help us lead a healthy life.

All other systems in the human body work well when the digestive system functions optimally.

These 3 changes are visible in the eyes when cholesterol increases, get it checked immediately, otherwise it will be difficult later

Some may ask why we insist on morning cleansing;

Why not just do a bowel cleansing which can be done anytime.

Well, the answer is that it is in accordance with the demand of an inbuilt biological clock running continuously in our body.

This clock adapts our body to a natural routine in which our digestion works best during certain hours of the day, which is usually in the morning.

Therefore it is best that we start our Stomach Health initiative in the morning itself.

Tips to keep stomach healthy

Tips To Keep Stomach Healthy

How to clean your stomach in the morning?

If you also want to know the answer to this, then here are some tips which you can follow.

1. Be comfortable while awake

By waking up comfortably, we mean waking up automatically, naturally without any unpleasant sounds hitting your ears.

When you wake up peacefully, our morning digestion is at ease.

Everything is fine and our body works according to the natural rhythm.

Due to these reasons, pain in the feet starts, the feet are not kept on the ground;

have trouble sleeping

  • Set a soft-sounding alarm that increases in intensity with each ticking minute.

  • Go to bed early at night, at most till 11 o'clock.

    The best time is between 10 pm to 11 pm.

    After a good sleep, it will be easier for you to wake up in the morning, before the alarm goes off.

  • If you are suffering from insomnia, you should see a doctor, as adequate sleep is essential for good health.

2. Have a glass of warm water

You should drink a glass of warm water immediately after getting out of bed.

Lemon juice also helps in improving digestion.

So, if you add a few drops of lemon juice to it, it will make you feel better.

These 6 vegetables are perfect for sugar patients, include them in the diabetes diet today without delay.

You can also boil some water with some herbs and spices like ginger powder, basil leaves, bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, carom seeds etc.

When the quantity of water is reduced to half, cool it and drink it.

when it's lukewarm.

This will prove to be very helpful in improving your morning digestion.

Tips For Strong Digestion: Drink lukewarm water to improve digestion.

Photo Credit: iStock

3. Take at least ten minutes for yourself

During this time you can do any activity like listening to music, yoga, meditation, etc. which relax you, make you happy and keep you focused.

When we are calm and free from stress, our digestive system works better.

It helps in maintaining good gut health.

These 5 things trigger migraine, if you want to get rid of severe pain, do not eat by mistake

4. Plan the day to avoid stress

When you do not plan properly, there can be confusion and trouble at the last minute.

There is no point in forgetting things, running around etc.

They make you dizzy and your morning digestion completely messed up.

5. Avoid distractions while having breakfast

Have breakfast comfortably.

do not hurry.

Sit on a chair and stay away from distractions, such as TV, mobile phones, newspapers, etc.

Just focus on your food;

Its taste, smell and color and chew it properly.

When you enjoy your breakfast, it will give a good start to your morning digestion.

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6. Eat Fiber Foods

Fibrous foods feed the good bacteria in the gut.

They add bulk to the stool and enhance morning digestion.

Hence, they promote good digestion.

We should take a diet rich in fiber.

Not having enough fiber can lead to constipation and bloating first thing in the morning.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and we should include them in our regular diet.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only.

It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.