Causes Of Hair Loss: There is no single cause of hair loss.

special things

  • Reasons For Hair Loss: There is no one reason for hair loss.

  • There are some things in your diet that can make you bald fast.

  • Remove foods that cause hair loss from your diet from today

What Foods Can Cause Hair Loss?

There is no single reason for hair fall but, there are some things in your diet that can make you bald fast.

Even if you do not know, but you may be consuming such foods or drinks daily.

Hair loss problem has become quite common.

It is the result of our food and lifestyle.

The reason for hair loss can be many, but the biggest reason is our unhealthy diet.

Our hair is made like what we eat.

Consuming high nutrition promotes better hair growth, while there are some things that can cause problems for you.

Foods that cause hair fall should be removed from your diet from today, else you will have clumps of hair in your hands in no time.

So let's know about those unhealthy and worst things for hair.

Foods Responsible for Hair Loss |

Foods That Responsible For Hair Loss

1) Junk food

All junk food is loaded with saturated and monounsaturated fats which can not only increase your weight but can also lead to cardiovascular diseases.

A diet rich in SFAs and MUFAs can increase testosterone levels.

DHT is an androgen that is associated with baldness.

In addition, oily scalp can be greasy and can clog pores and make hair follicles smaller.

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2) Raw Egg Whites

Eggs are very good for hair but they should not be eaten raw.

Raw egg whites can lead to a deficiency of biotin, a vitamin that aids in the production of keratin.

Avidin present in raw egg white interferes with its intestinal absorption along with biotin.

3) fish

The mercury found in fish can cause sudden hair loss.

The most common source of mercury exposure is fish.

Marine fish such as swordfish, mackerel, shark and some varieties of tuna contain mercury.

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4) Sugar

Yes, sugar is as bad for your hair as it is for your overall health.

Studies have shown that consuming high amounts of sugar can make you lose hair or even cause baldness in both men and women.

5) Foods with a high-glycemic index

Foods with a high glycemic index cause insulin spikes.

Foods like flour, bread and sugar are high GI.

These foods can cause hormonal imbalances and cause a spike in insulin and androgens that constrict the hair follicles and cause hair loss.

6) Wine

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin.

Keratin is a protein that gives texture to your hair.

Alcohol has a negative effect on protein synthesis and can cause hair to become weak and lackluster.

In addition, heavy alcohol consumption can lead to nutritional imbalances.

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7) Dietary Soda

Dietary soda contains an artificial sweetener called aspartame, which researchers have found can damage hair follicles.

If you have been experiencing hair loss recently, it is better to avoid diet soda altogether.

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It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

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