The moon is in the sign of Leo from 03:41 on July 1 to 15:32 on July 3

The period is filled with more optimism, vitality and bright emotions.

Determination and self-confidence increase.

The day predisposes to gambling, money is easily spent.

In this period, it is also easy to borrow money (people are more generous), but it is difficult to pay it back.

People are quite emotional and sometimes impulsive.

It will be difficult to contain emotions and feelings.

Therefore, conflicts may arise.

Also, today is a good day for any creative performances.

The Moon in Leo always inspires people.

Eyesight, cardiovascular system, diaphragm and back are vulnerable.

Avoid anything that strains the heart and don't overwork yourself.

Lunar calendar: 3 lunar day starts from 07:32 on July 1 to 08:35 on July 2

Energetically, this is a very powerful day and therefore a bit dangerous.

Energy can be used for both good and bad.

For this reason, it is very important to direct your aspirations to the creative channel.

It is good to be active, but the important thing is to concentrate only on one, the most important task.

Good intentions are very likely to lead to positive results later.

Avoid passivity.

Unused energy can undermine health.

Do not do anything on this day that you have not done before.

Do not have conversations about your ventures and avoid new acquaintances.

You can easily get angry and irritable, so it is good to be restrained and self-controlled.

Try not to show personal aggression, suspicion, uncompromisingness and anger.

Increased suspicion is also unacceptable.

Do not wish harm on anyone.

The negative emotional impulse will be transmitted and come back to you again.

It is favorable for working with the energy field.

Time to clear your astral.

It is good to do physical exercises.

Do shoulder and joint mobility exercises.

If something is wrong with them, then you have stagnation of astral energy.

It is suitable for martial arts exercises.

The effect of saunas on this day is favorable.

Motto of the day: maximum patience and calmness.

Show understanding to your loved ones and your partner.

Everything that is done for the good of the family is good.

Sexual energies are strong now.

It is good for the woman to take the leading role.

There should be more expansiveness, fantasy, variety, unusualness in sex.

A haircut on this day promises a gracious renewal of one's own energy potential.

The activity of hairs-antennae is stimulated.

If you cut the ends of your hair, it will become more receptive to Akashic signals.

The haircut ensures the flow of money and positive emotions.

It is extremely undesirable to make purchases on the 3rd lunar day.

But if you still decide to buy something, check the quality and shelf life of the product multiple times so that there are no problems later.

Solar calendar - 13 solar day - The day is similar to energy rain, it purifies negative energy.

Every bad thought today can be embodied in reality, so watch carefully the words you say and control the course of your thoughts.