How To Stop Hair Fall: Hair fall can be stopped by these methods. 

special things

  • Hair breakage is a common problem.

  • These tips will be useful for hair falling continuously.

  • Hair mask also shows good effect.

Hair Care: Hair fall is such a problem that hardly anyone can remain untouched.

Sometimes the effect of the weather, sometimes due to the lack of heating tools and sometimes the hair starts falling due to change of water.

In such a situation, suddenly I do not understand how to stop these hairs from falling.

At the same time, even after taking stress, hair falls and hair fall also causes stress.

In such a situation, there is a need to use the right things.

Care should be taken that you give the hair all the nutrients that it needs and from which their fall will stop.

Following are some such things that will help to stop hair fall and make them strong and thick. 

Home remedies to stop hair fall

Home Remedies To Stop Hair Fall 

Almond Oil and Castor Oil 

Mixing equal quantity of castor oil in pure almond oil, massaging the hair and taking steam is beneficial.

You should definitely apply oil to your hair in this way at least twice a week. 

egg hair mask 

One way to prevent hair fall is to apply Egg Hair Mask.

Egg gives rich protein to the hair which helps in making them strong.

To make this hair mask, take 2 eggs and mix 2 spoons of Amla, Shikakai, Brahmi and Triphala powder in them.

Wash this mask after keeping it on the hair for half an hour.

You can apply it 2 times a week. 


Dry liquorice helps to stop hair fall and make hair thick, to apply it, mix a spoonful of liquorice, a pinch of saffron and a cup of milk and keep this mixture on the hair overnight.

Wash hair the next morning. 

diet is like this 

To prevent hair fall, include carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, lots of fruits and other green vegetables in your diet.

Along with this, the consumption of milk, curd and cheese is also good. 

green tea 

Green tea can be used not for drinking but for applying on the hair.

Antioxidants present in green tea help in hair growth.

To apply it, make green tea in water according to the length of your hair and after cooling this water, apply it in the hair and massage it with light hands.

Wash the hair after keeping it for about an hour. 

yogurt and honey 

To keep the health of the hair good, applying honey mixed with curd is also beneficial.

Take about 2 spoons of curd and mix a spoonful of honey in it.

After applying it on the hair for half an hour, the hair will start looking soft. 

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only.

It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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