The Company for Electricity Distribution in Kosovo (KEDS) announces that tomorrow will be carried out works for security of the energy system and as a result in some localities there will be power outages.

This is the schedule by regions:


NS 110/10 [kV] Vushtrri 2 will be interrupted:

Exit 10 [kV] Novolani (code 73000005) from 10:00 to 14:00

Places: Part of Bukoshi, Novolani, Kolla, Vërnica, Reznik, Shallci, Druvari and Mihaliqi.

Reason: Interruptions for system security, transfer of network from old poles to new ones and replacement of insulators.


NS 10 [kV] Klina will be interrupted:

Output 10 [kV] Zajmi (code 52000104) from 11:00 to 14:00

Places: Villages: Bokshiq, Deiq, Dollovo, Drenovce, Dugojevo, Grabanica, a part of Klina, Polce (part), Potërç, Potërç i Epërm, Videjë and Zajm.

Reason: Interruption for system safety, replacement of two medium voltage poles.

Grabonic location - and at the Martyrs' Cemetery.


NS 35/10 [kV] Gjilan I will be interrupted:

Exit 10 [kV] Malisheva (code 60060018) from 10:00 to 14:00

Places: Streets: Hamdi Kurteshi (part), Muharrem Kurteshi, Maliqi Brothers (part) and Abdullah Tahiri (part);

villages: Bukovik, Capar, Dobërçan, Kufcë e Poshtme (a part), Malisheva, Malisheva e Poshtme, Malisheva e Epërme and Vërbicë e Kmetocit.

Reason: Interruption for system safety, replacement of rotten medium voltage poles of wood with new poles, reinforcement of the network, branching towards Dobërqani.


NS 35/10 [kV] The party will be terminated:

Output 10 [kV] Prelluzha (code 18024003) from 10:00 to 14:00

Places: Nursery, Nursery Kastriot, Hashanët, Elektro monti, Palaj, Stanovci i Ulët, Prilluzha, Lumi i Madh, Glavotini Bivolaku, Zhilivoda, Strovci and Bequku.

Reason: Interruption for system safety, replacement of 10 kV fuse bases, replacement of insulators.

NS 35/10 [kV] Mazgit will be discontinued:

Exit 10 [kV] Shkabaj (code 15019002) from 10:30 to 14:30

Places: Shkabaj, Mazgit- part, Obiliq part, Reform and Al Petrol.

Reason: Preventive maintenance, replacement of insulators and poles.


NS 35/10 [kV] Shtime will be interrupted:

Output 10 [kV] Shtime (code 41046003) from 10:00 to 14:00

Places: streets: June 12, December 14, Adem Jashari (part), Afrim Musliu (part), Ahmet Kaçiku, Ahmet Shtimja (part), Anton Çetta, Arben Hyseni (part), Prishtina, Tirana, Imer Devetaku, Jetë Hasani, Commander Kumanova, Lagja e Pajtimit, Milaim Beka, Ymer Prizreni (part), Roundabout for Godanc, Shaqir Tërshana (part), Shefket Muhadini, Martyrs' Square, KLA Square (part), Shtime , Smajl Gorani, Sylejman Vokshi (part), Ymer Prizreni (part), Lower Godanc and Lower Godanc.

Reason: Interruption for system safety, works on Varigovc branch, replacement of insulators and tightening of conductors.

NS 110/35/10 [kV] Lipjan will be terminated:

Output 10 [kV] Slovenia (code 41000003) from 10:00 to 15:30

Places: villages: D.Gushterica, G.Gushterica, Dobratin, Gadime e Ulët (part), Gllavicë, Livagjë, Mareci, Sllovi and Smallushë.

Reason: Planned work in the project: 0102050622 LP 10 (20) [kV] Dobratin - Gushtericë e Ulët.


NS 110/35/10 [kV] Rahovec will be interrupted:

Exit 10 [kV] Pataqani (code: 82000001) from 09:00 to 16:00

Places: villages: Bratotin, Drenoc, Nushpal, Pastasellë, Pataçan i Epërm, Pataçan i Poshtërm, Senoc, Varjak and Zatriq.

Reason: Interruption for system security, clearing of distribution lines from vegetation.


NS 35/10 [kV] Pirana will be interrupted:

Exit 10 [kV] Pirana (code 30034008) from 11:00 to 15:00

Places: Piranë village.

Reason: Revision in LP 10kV, replacement / reinforcement of damaged poles.